Directive on Middle East Policy

We need a policy that seeks peace and harmony in Middle East. The peaceful place where peoples of different cultures, ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds can meet and exchange ideas. To turn the region to its historical role as bridge between South, North, East, and West a place where people meet, integrate and melt into new molded fold and shape. To get there we first need to reestablish bounds and connections locally between Kurds and Turks, Fars and Arabs, Pakis and Fars, Pashtun and Indian, Tajik and Jewish, Armenians and Turks and so on. (Uncle Sam: Yeah there are so many, there is a mini Europe in Iran alone). This will mean end to wars. Construction of roads, raid roads, metropolitans, increase in regional air travel, industrial and Economical exchange and integration. It will translate to security for Israel and real prospect for Israel to benefit from its strategic location unlike now where Israel is only an isolated Island in Middle East. It also means prevention of division of nations and respect the boundaries. Example Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Iran will be the Northern Block while Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan will Be Eastern wing. Saudi Iran and Gulf will be the Gulf wing. There are also other wings and all nations should be accepted, respected, and allied in the region. The cheap trick of mass murder by Mind Control in Mecca Saudi has lead to division of Iran and Saudi. We need to establish the bound and friendship between Iran and Saudi or I will have something as one trick shot that will turn masses extremely angry at USA and then Saudi for failing to even notice it. Alliance and new Economic Zone down the road, all inclusive. Remember Iran doing word order and balance of power duties and if you push too much against Iran the system AO breaks American interests and twist the system in massive scales to balance the world.

Geopolitics of Oil and Mining Sectors

A follow chart I made for you to understand how it works and why stupids are no good for top jobs. Reminding me of Obama and Trump. Obama sympathizers: But Obama spent a stimulus package on new batteries. So he knew oil falling down and it is time to tap into oils since that will [...]

American oil and gas industry and guidelines for management systems needed

This article discusses how to manage American oil, gas, and petrochemical industry and thus with it guide the American Economy, manufacturing, and military industry into a secure future for both investment security and ensuring American global economical and security supremacy. We all need to adopt rules first adopted by others. There is lots of wisdom and knowledge that lead to certain decisions in the history. America meeds to also decide. This is system level management of oil and gas sector as part of Continent wide management system. A work by Makan Abazari.