US Military Strategy for enduring victory in Afghanistan

My secretary of state #Tillerson is in #Pakistan discussing south Asia security and #Afghanistan with Pakistani government. I decided to rewrite the strategy we previously released. Yes we released it previously with Makan Abazari on #Russian Times and again later of Facebook concerning American strategy in Afghanistan. There are master files and series of codes, events, names, and happenings coming together to clarify it is indeed long Term strategy of Uncle Sam. The Strategy concerning Afghanistan. First we need to give you some classified information. The ability of #Taliban to defeat the Afghanistan security forces an d take over cities and Urban areas is due to support by mind control we have seen same pattern in the past in Syria by ISIS but these information are classified to USA military and only higher echelons of #CIA.

The strategy; America had removed #Saddam by military force and took care of Bin #Laden spending 17 years in Afghanistan and so far we have only spent money on these two wars. There has been no spoil of war nor financial benefit from these two wars. We cannot have #Iraq back but there are lots of more opportunities in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has many strategic mines, type of which are only found in China, Russia, South Africa, North Korea and Iran. We are in a period in history when oil has become so cheap and there are so many oil reserves available for purchase. Mines are becoming more and more important thanks to oil development and new oil extraction sites developed during the high price of oil not long ago.

America needs to build infrastructures and facilities in Afghanistan to mine, purify, and process these minerals and more complex materials. America can build small scale factories, and other infrastructures for processing and application of material found in these mines. America should work on Afghanistan development and benefit from these mining process. Afghanistan will be developed into a prosperous nation. That has many benefits for America as people no longer join Taliban and other terrorist organization due to lack of pathway forward for the young and strong among the Afghan population. Since when there are opportunities for employments in these mines, manufacturing, constructions, and all the other related industries they are not attracted to values and promises Taliban glorifies for them. Simply put, they will not join Taliban when they can build a better future for themselves and their families.

One problem in Afghanistan is lack of access to ports and open sea. Thus it should be reached from neighboring countries. Insecurity for transit through Pakistan has always been and still is a big challenge even when it comes for deployment of troops to Afghanistan. If you listen to these directive and act according my guidance I will in return promise you to secure the most secure Transit route, From Afghanistan to Straight of Hurmoz and Bandar Abbas through Iran for American military, industry, and mining projects.

Counter COUP protection over Pakistan as gift from brother in Iran

Now how do we do it? We will use USA #military as the management team, #supervisors, planners, and operators of critical machinery and equipment. We will purchase cheaper machineries from Iran and India while bringing advanced Machineries that will give us an edge needed from America. Instead of sending tanks and air force to Afghanistan we send development equipment and they are much cheaper. We send Machinery, Trucks, mining, and other equipment needed for mining, construction, and building roads and railroads. We will employ Afghanis for construction, road building, and labor at much lower wage than America soldiers and construction workers. Also instead of Bringing #American and #European contractors and Engineers we will hire #Iranian contractors and engineers. Who are nearby and are widely available for such projects. They can do the job for us for much lower price than an American contractors. They can also do it very fast both in construction and development sectors. Iranian mining industry is also very advanced and could be contracted for developing Afghanistan mines.

Now instead of carrying ores and not processed material from Afghanistan to America which increases shipping cost and takes space. We also will be paying much higher wages in America for processing and purification than in Afghanistan. Afghanistan also benefits from our processing and purification industries in Afghanistan while we don’t need any more of that in America and Iran (We got billions of those infrastructures in Iran). We can also build melting, fabrication workshop, and other upstream and downstream of mining industries in Afghanistan to make the shipping wiser and more efficient, we can also provide material and products to our allies in gulf and Europe from Afghanistan down the road. There are also opportunities for building lots of higher level industries, manufacturing, and business in Afghanistan. One may ask why more advanced? Let me remind you of something the older insiders in American foreign policy may remember. Remember South Korean Experiment we did based on Japanese experiment? Why not have another one of that in Afghanistan? We can build another South Korea in Afghanistan and such country can influence Pakistan and help bring long term security and prosperity to Pakistan also. South Korea lacked mines for us to benefit from and only provided the front line against North Korea, Soviet, and China. But Afghanistan has mines is front line to Iran, India, Pakistan, China, and post Soviet Union states.

Now when I was in Canada I went to King road and behind the ally my Mason Gate Office was full. So I went to a hotel. (Uncle Sam: Who has taken over ownership of Hassan Abazari and Makan Abazari properties and Offices and have sold them? They own a house and Office in every town, city, and Metropolitan on earth. But they are all stolen by fabricated documents. ) Anyway the following day We were on our path to office of Iranian Central Intelligence Agency and USA military Central Command, 484 and 848(Extremely classified codes). It has become an Afghani restaurant in #Canada. When I got there I saw an Indian representative instead of USA military Central Command and I saw an Israeli instead of Iranian Central Intelligence Agency being there as Sign of things in our world order #World #Order. Well Makan Abazari is both American and Allied Forces commander in Chief of Central Military Command and is leader a sort and variation of Iranian Central Intelligence Agency again of Sort, common Makan Abazari is shadow Prince of CIA. Letting you know we fought the war together for almost two decades in Afghanistan and Iranians Ettelat helped bush era war against Taliban with Intelligence. Others have inherited our Alliance and benefiting from our breaking apart. They are seeking to destroy this marriage. Come on I told you I can Project the #Pentagon into air by explosives and carry it with balloon and drop it around statue of liberty as sign of our Alliance. The King of Fars and Queen of Scots (Trump). Anyway let us go back to Scotland, sorry sorry sorry Afghanistan: America sees no end in sight for war in that country and has only spent tax payer money and has nothing to show for. USA Military and CIA have also destroyed parts of Middle East and I was not part of any of that. It is time to build and to gain benefit from this war and this #Alliance. The Indians are on that project and they are very beneficial to Afghanistan if they do as I say. I don’t need America for that if you think we are in dire need of someone to develop Afghanistan. That is not that. I have 4 military industry mega cores in Iran capable of developing Afghanistan in six month if mind control does not interrupt nor sabotage it. I have also Indians on parts of that project. Once #India builds the set of Infrastructures I need I will integrate Afghanistan into my Yazd- South East Iran Military Industry Complex and Integrate India into my Cosmopolitan since I am going to build India and Pakistan also. I got lots of Stars and friends on my flag and my house Estate as nations and states. I am just telling you there is hope at the end of Tunnel to end this long war in Afghanistan. There is opportunity to build a good legacy for America and American presence in Middle East. So when Muslims and Middle Eastern look back don’t see a destroyed #Iraq and destroyed #Syria as American Legacy in Middle East, and setbacks as outcome of American interference in Middle East. Rather there is a chance to make money, help and support our Industries in America, and prevent American corporation from going Multinational by developing Afghanistan and integrating its mining and future industries into American military Industry complex so American corprations don’t ned to leave America to dodge America self-imposed sanctions. When you sanction Iran and rest of the world is still with Iran you sanction American corporation and enterprises. I promised to provide you roads and Railroads in addition to ports in Iran to ship to America the rest is up to you. I can also build those infrastructures, mining, and factories in Afghanistan also as long as the Machine of Mind Control don’t fuck with it. I can also build ships and ship them to America if wild monkeys of mind control Bastards don’t attack it.

Code is: Niggle Farage, my Nickel worth more than top 1 percent richest of the world for they worth a penny. Nigel Forage, a Nickel and good Farrash (In Farsi) as also Sub Soul of #Oxford, I also got an American general in Afghanistan called Nickelson, the American military leader in Afghanistan. He shall be the good Farrash (Persian name for those who build schools, Hospitals, and infrastructure, we have released these Master Keys and codes earlier on Makan Abazari Facebook these are low quality repeat of it.) Makan Abazari, University of Tuss and University of Neishabour, the Silk Road Tour 2016. The Afghanestan project 2017. By Makan Abazari, King of Solar System. Uncle Sam’s Boss, World Order team, and Allied Forces.

A letter from Iranian brother to King of Spain concerning Venezuela

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