yet another terror attack

Shame on mind control. This is not a new thing they have done. I mean the mass murder in #New #York There has been countless number of such actions taken at request of certain interest groups in and out of mind control. Sound bites now starting to come here at me. Proving their crime and their guilt conserning this. Usually when they want to distract news organizations from the lead they have landed on or when there is a very important global news is in progress and there is no fake news to show they commite terrors by mind controlling people who will pull the trigger due to mind control. Thus they take over the news cycle and make sure #news #media are tunned into #terror attacks while they are planning to burry the more important news they are hiding. They usually have #fake news for that but #investigative #journalism leads to traces of truth even in fake news. (Now they mind control my parents to constantly bug me, they doubling down on taking responsibility) Again they usually have fake news for hiding more important news but investigative journalism at times leads to traces of truce even when it is concerned with fake news. They have committed crimes involving attack at #religious #centers, kindegardens, and places as such to distract news outlet and cable news in #America and #Europe. That is not end of that. Sometimes they take a population as hostage by their actions. Example, if you don’t want us to kill more people kill that senate bill or drop that public policy agenda. There has been countless evidences of that during my 10 decade of dealing with them. #Dark side does that and it is normal to them. I have learned to not allow them to change my path forward by taking others hostage. You cannot harm people to stop me. You cannot threaten my parents with death so I may change my path. At times they had threatened nations with #earthquake and #floods, I cannot confirm this branch of mind control has such capabilities, but I plaininly told them I refuse to deliver your threatening messages and I cannot deliver your open delcaration of #weather #warfare through me and experience showed they did not do it after I refused to obey them and did not deliver nor I changed my path forward in face of threats. There are far more at stake to be slowe or stopped by mass murder or #hurricane. If we surrender humanity and our future is at stake and is in danger. Bunch of people hiding in vaults and between population and using #mind #control on population to direct their behaivior. At same time they threaten people with Hurricane and earth Quake. I myself have access to some of the strongest weather warfare codes but I never wish to use them. They are only active at certain time and during very short window of time. I only use them after my team computes best way to deal with incoming hurricane calculating all posible and direct outcome of our choices. They calculate and tell me and use the code. So we can minimize the damage from natural disaster and / or weather warfare against us. but when other mind control team threaten people with such I neither deliver them messages nor use the codes, I am not hotheaded to be pushed into taking action. (cyber warfare ruining the work) . Remember Sandy Hurricane, Sandy Hook Elementry School shooting were both coded as #gate is to water, shield is to #wind, den is to #snow, and hook is to #sandy. Remember the #Texas Hurricane, Makan Abazari sand storm or solar storm, and river of wind. Wind Storm. He shall return whatever you do.

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