Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and US Congress

Article at Spark, by Makan Abazari

Article on Huffington post which was in consideration of me when writing this, some sort of response to it

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First I thank mind control for showing me this. Second too little too late, there has been mind control effort of mass distraction and mass annoyance every time war in Yemen is mentioned. Mind control software has been making influential people to ignore it, be annoyed with, and making people not wanting to listen or take an action concerning it. But this was a move that is showing our congress in America is on the path of getting liberty from influence and grip and moving toward more free assembly of Representatives as House of Common United Kingdom Parliament. Unfortunately American congress is lower tier than UK Parliament when it comes to freedom of Representatives, issues discussed, and being allowed to know. I consider this a great step. But yet there is issues like the big rant and presumptions fed to representative concerning Houthis in Yemen without evidence nor understanding of issue. Simply it demanded a long rant on fears of Houthi becoming like Hezbollah and as if it was forced by mind control to include it as such. Houthi has limited connection to Iran is America’s deep deep deep state force very valuable to deep CIA at very strategic location of the world. The houthi will remain forever and will act if CIA and American deep state need it to be interrupting classified. CIA rather Houthi than Saudi puppet in Yemen since Iran gives great deal of independence and carries nation building while Saudi runs its puppet states into trouble, absolute monarchy, and only flood them with cash that almost always lead terrorism and corruption. Deep state has problem with Iran concerning Hezbollah and Israel but in general Trusts Iran more than Saudi Arabia. Anyway, there is also lack of an action that would lead to a pressure on Saudi. The era in which we gave free pass to Saudis due to their large oil production has ended. Saudi no longer as important as it used to be in oil sector when we have Venezuela and America with high capacity for oil production. Era of energy security by Saudi for privilege in America has ended and we can replace them with other nations today. So America should not consider Saudi as it used to. Now Saudi has brought war, destruction, genocide, COUP, and/or Terrorism to every nation that borders it and in all of middle east. From Taliban and Alqaeda in Afghanistan to ISIS and Al Nusra in Syria, to rebel in Libya and COUP in Egypt, ISIS in Iraq, and terrorism financing in Pakistan, blockade on Qatar, and genocide in Yemen. What else a nation sponsor of terrorism, war criminal, and fantasist with pocket full of money they never worked for should do be confronted by integrity of System of Representation, Legal system, or an executive branch of righteous nation? Nothing the problem is numbers. They can lobby us for far too cheap. They can spend lots of money for weapons. They can corrupt our leaders. So we need to act against Saudi in Congress. I ended due to hack disturbance of my work. Hackers are cheaper than representatives.

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