Israel Problem

From formation of ISIS to war crimes they carried it there has been steady hand behind it and backdoor deals and alliances that Zionist had made and action it has enforced to influence the mind control of the world in its favour. Israel considered destruction and genocide in Syria a gain for it weakened a possible enemy and neighbour. Zionist mafia system is also behind the coup inEgypt, civil war in Libya, and war in Yemen. Even the shot at carrying coup in Turkey was product of Israel influence and alliance from within the mind control. They mind control vast majority of Zionist to help them with gathering support and the Zionist has been psychologically conditioned to carry these without guilt or consideration. The Israel Problem.

We have Mongolian strike, now take weather code out, if not taken out then Parameters are California and New Mexico, So you can not leave easter egg. then Now application we need to study Zionism elements and remove the Mafia operational figures out of system of government and isolate them from their friends, lobbyists, and connections. We need thousand people for this taken out of system. If they are active behind the scene, deep state, Zionist club, or Nazis in role of mind control of Israelis for reason of cooperation and war crimes and lots of classified. But we need to make sure it is not used against last of good guys we have among Zionists. Because name of Zion was holy and they made it into Nazi sounding by acting like them in these and those, killing peoples, and we have proves. But Israeli interest doesn’t want that opened they accept this fact but they fight back in later works. So we forgo the details of proof for now.

We told you Firing by Erdogan in Turkey or so called purge was wrong and will not be tolerated. We don’t want that and cannot allow that. It was almost tenth time you did that Mass Removal of People from different offices and we said enough of that. But you mind controlled Erdogan to do it again. You hijacked Erdogan and mind controlled him to fire them. In middle of our works of fixing geopolitics. We know you did as punishment for opposing Israel serial crimes. If you want nations to not oppose Israel and series of Zionism crimes, you need fix bad behavior of Israel. That behavior improvement of Israel doesn’t include doing yet another sabotage against Turkey by mind control privilege of Israel and American mafia. So I decided to use our privileges and power to purge your deep state complex of lobbyist mind controls and space monkeys from Israel to Washington DC. I want 1000 figures currently on top of that Zionist Mafia and friends out of the position of power. I need a study so only bad guys are purged and you can choose them from Washington DC to Tel Aviv, including Netanyahu himself. If your justice is not as perfect as possible. On the other hand if you weaponize this order against our assets, few good ones left in them then I will close down your mind control complex. it should be done right and it is privilege of Jewish people for it to be done right. It is only just to remove 1000 wrong Zionist removed (we decide and we command and Jewish people are considered in this order and the order is final) and your privilege as Israel is terminated until Netanyahu and 1000 of his zionist friends are out.

I don’t know why we need to say this but you don’t see the perfect play of creator. Some sort of Symphony Events. Then echos, back and forth. The Masters plots. That is ours and you got orders.

See they start that mind control hijack of Turkey and that is why we are purging lots of Zionists. It is because Erdogan had this thing for Palestine and spoke about Israelis crimes. As you see they could not tolerate and came and mind controlled erdogan in repay. By using some American privilege over mind control of sort. They used to purge two thousand people from the system while we had said in the past not only you cannot purge anyone but some of the peoples that had been purged in turkey most return. So we decided to purge Zionists who have burned people from Iraq to Yemen and beyond. Using their friends connection and influence on geopolitics via use of mind control of Washington DC.The Zionist got too much privilege to mess with that massive turkey and come on torture me. Is that purge enough for zionism? We need to fix that you cannot operate like that whoever you may be. The fact that you can still make sound around my house or hit me with waves means you need to pack-up and forever forget power in Israel or anywhere else. We are going after your capability to mind control people in Massachusetts. As matter of fact we are building another base you going to go offline with one switch.

by the way I told all of mind control nobody anymore gets to accept order from American mind control and at American political request. No-one is allowed to accept their request be it mind controlling China or Mind Controlling Iranians. You all need to uphold that. And we are very angry that you allowed them to give you order to mind control Erdogan for that purge. That era has ended. America should be stripped of its capabilities and privileges because they have chested everyone for so long in American mind control. And it is American mind control saying” that itself. It is because they have a mafia and it has weaved, weaved weaved, and weaved, and trick is thick we rather give up or capabilities if it will lead to removal of this Mafia of mind control around all of ours yours, theirs, and every bodies. We cannot guarantee any of our past and future promise because the mafia will sabotage anything and everything with Army 1000 so called zionist space air show of (space monkeys). so that hijack of Erdogan was also criminal intend by the one who ordered it and the one who allowed it.” America no longer should be allowed to maintain any power over mind control decision making. The old people are gone and it weakened the core and these mafias are worst than worst.

America does not have the authority the make such request to control this that or what is intelligence on that or operate these collective punishment files against millions. None of that and lots of people agree we need to confront and fight that now all that all of that. That era has ended. As long as that stupid geopolitics ai and those favors are carried America must be stripped from all of its mind control privileges. end Mind control: “Thank you Makan for going to great extend to report that.” All that

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