CIA plans in South America and a gift from Iran to Brazil

Long term Strategy of CIA for South and Central America and the most extensive guidance ever written on Biofuels up to today by Makan Abazari

They deleted Original one I posted so I have to repost it can someone get back ups for me?

CIA is trying to forever shape the public opinion of Brazil and Latin America. They are extending financial insecurities, protests, and other problems to harm the image of Socialism in South America. And there comes the Makan to disturb the CIA’s 50 years of work.

CIA has been following a trend In south American countries as they killed both Socialist leaders of Cuba and Venezuela using electromagnetic weapons and directed energy weapons. They used them to cause cancer, health difficulties, and other complications leading to death of two of leftist leaders in Caribbean and South America. Then once they were replaced by others but leftist leaders CIA started devising the details of their plans. They used them to take certain measures to weaken and make them dependent on certain things. Then using their lack of experience to live under American constant sabotage to harm them. For example, Maduro high hopes for expansion and strengthening the country was used to acquire debt for Venezuelan government. Then they used oil market and production boost by members of OPEC and non OPEC such as American fracking oils to crash the oil market. The crash of oil market targeted Iran and Russia above else but it had a separate effect. More than affecting Iran and Russia it broke down Venezuela and Brazilian economy. They had grown to be dependent on high price of oil to function as independent nations by then. It totally paralyzed their ability to hand situation when couple d with mind controlling the officials to exasperate the situation and using every action again themselves.

So at this point they increased the hardships on both of these nations by mind control aided sabotage, miss management, and then they started protests that further reduced the confidence for investment and negatively affected productivity of these nations. As we see the protests are effective weapons against nations like Honduras to cause insecurity and public opinion shifts in the region. By the way defeat of Brazil by Germany was a mind control. You were mind controlled to get crushed in world cup final.

Why is CIA not overthrowing these nations once for all? It is because America has been pursuing a 50 years old strategy against South America. America lost its control over Brazil and Venezuela and parts of South America for long time and there was rise of Socialists. The socialists achieved a great deal in South America from the Venezuelan president before Maduro, Hugo Chavez? I don’t remember his name. He had brought Venezuela out of poverty and achieve 100 percent employment during his leadership. Rousof and left South American government of Brazil succeeded in bringing both world cup and Olympics to Brazil. Advancing Brazilian economy a great deal. But they were impeached her before she could rip the benefits of the global attention and boost to its economy. As matter of fact the games were coupled by protests, induction of lack of confidence, and many other measures that lead to making situation worst for Brazil. Protests were effect of American foreign policy, mass mind control, and financial wars on Brazil. The protesters were also micro and macro managed by USA deep CIA or Mind Control Secret Service.

But they had already impeached Roussef in 2016 why not ending the protests then when they got corporate savvy guy Michael Temer on top of Brazilian leadership? Because their goal was not limited to removing Roussef from Power. CIA wanted to extend the bad condition, protests, and financial insecurities for years and years. Thus permanently change the public Opinion and also memory of Socialism era. In addition to that They wanted to harm many sectors of Brazilian economy. By doing so they could set back Brazil for years. Cause revolution, impeachment, insecurity, and hardship in quick successions in relative terms. Thus removing the economic giant like Brazil as competitor against US interest from list of regional list of powerful nations. But again there are dual purpose strategies involved here. The continuous economical problem are meant to forever cause the Socialist government to be remembered as bad and wrong choice. For those who remember the good times and sacrifices will be old down the road and people will only remember bad side of Socialism. Is socialism bad? We have 3 forces in the world at this time and add mine. Capitalism, Commonwealth, and Communism, the forth the secret garden, King’s own office, the Royal wealth. We spent a great deal to start the Commonwealth as a way of protecting all members of humanity on earth. So yes Socialism can be good but what are the policies of Socialism? When sabotaged by mind control the socialism can turn very wrong.

They use mind control, mass mind control, economic sabotage and so much else. Remember American Capitalism and Corporations have weaved and infiltrated into CIA dark Side, Deep State, and Mind Control government and they are very strong force. capable of posing a global challenge. I, Makan Abazari, worked with Central Intelligence oppositions and defecates the Light and Mind Control my Side, the Royal forces to start an operation in America for protecting America itself from going banana republic. Thus I ordered nationalizing American oil and then when they did not obey I said we need National Oil Corporations and we designed a great economical, Industrial, Petrochemical, and manufacturing Metropolitan across United States of America and we explained we need that National oil corporation to keep control mechanism for Federal government over our efforts and security. But they blocked and confronted it at every turn. That lead to clarification that the Mafia has overgrown to point of no return and even white house policies are directed by them. They always obey me unless my order concerns Israel. Even Israel has a mini Royal forces circled by Netanyahu mafia who obeys me as The King or Friend. And I have a great influence in America. It should not be forgotten.

(Makan Abazari is not secret Service but rather The Royal that they have been trying to reduce to Shadow Prince of CIA as asset. for Makan worth as much as a branch of US military able to take over nations without casualty. Taking over countries using his royal privileges to remove or make leaders and kings. But he has wised up and is brighter than CIA and Secret Service able to maneuver the CIA plots to victory. I want you all know that he gave directives for managing the condition but they were not delivered to you. Office of Intelligence Communication, Iranian Royal Guards)

Now about our Projects as Iranian Royal Forces of Makan Abazari:

I can use my Royal wealth and produce monetary finance force and get wheel of industry and productivity turn, turn, and turn, until we build a roof over our earth hiding our metropolitans and build farms on top of roof of our earth base. And it is not even hard, What about Sun flower moving roofs that absorb sun light and turn energy to food while facing sun light. What is under mobile roofs? Underneath is Nuclear reactor or a metropolitan. Oh by the way I can also use my Soul of Souls owner of Intellectual properties and humanity efforts key to teach you. I have a new Technology from my Royal Forces to Brazilians. I gave it to America in 2008. Now your turn. You can use systematic approach to improve rate of lipid production and carbohydrate production in your bioreactors. Then you can add symbiotic approach to make it more efficient and capable of turning sun light to carbohydrates and lipids. You should try using algae for this purpose as they are some of most promising. But make sure you have microbes and other organisms that turn your reactor into tissue or better said engine of fuel production. In addition to that you can use electricity generated energy to produce rays and lights at precise frequency to continuous production of fuels. You use this method to store electricity in biofuels. It is opposite of Hydrogen Cars where the stored energy will produce CO2. This one will turn CO2 into biomass and biofuels. By the way you need metabolite engineering. You can use material science, Tissue engineering, surface affinity and modification for building the structure and reactor separation mechanisms, and micro and larger locations where the fuel production happens at higher efficiency due to separating procedures. Something like electrophoresis and size dependent pores that prevent larger molecules pass through. So the molecules with our desired affinity bound to second molecule we have becoming the primes molecule that will be separated and will move to the separation barrier to be separated as product or as part of second mission. SO you build a reactor. I also built the master control switch where there are molecules are stored inside a material system that slowly releasing the molecules we need thus guiding and controlling the rate of reactions, production of molecules, gene expressions, and other factors by releasing the exact amount we need to control the situation. Now these material could be used in localized setting in multiple packages. Each package is impossible to be opened unless you use electromagnetic or lasers. Thus breaking the utter layer to initiate it. So we can have the production continue over time and activate a desired and needed package of master switch in localized environment as condition of reactor changes. Sometimes I need antibiotics, or suppressor of expression and sometimes I need a branch to produce very complex macro molecule. Now there is final thing. I can also make Nano robots remotely controlled (I built it by my own hands, I usually give orders but this I created by my own hands in Harvard but I did not tell them I am doing that nor I told them until 5 years was passed) and we will soon work NanoSilicon Robots made by help of Algae and we are working on placing arms and capability on our nano robots. We are also producing a computer for each of these by very classified details.

By the way I will be publishing Dinar and Riyal. Riyal for Iran + EUEU.

Dinar for Brazil, India, South Africa, China, Russia and Iran. It will help us to advance in this economical wars against all of ours, yours, theirs, those, and human earth. We do it for whole earth don’t forget middle east and Africas are also in need of our helps but watch out for jungles. But we can still move them to the roof. We are not going to do that beyond several project of Makan Abazari Ecoindustrial Metropolitan Engineering Projects. The earth is wide and vast having enough to have all of us live in prosperity and security.

Intellectual Property of Makan Abazari as the Soul of Souls

Intellectual Property of Iranian Royal guards and Forces,

Intellectual Property of Criers IP

Intellectual Property of Makan Abazari as the Soul of Souls

Office of Intelligence Communication

Makan Abazari Intercontinental Intelligence and Counter Intelligence Agencies

Corporate business office of Counter Intelligence

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