America targeted Iranian Oil Tanker

An intelligence briefing on direct targeting of Iranian oil tanker by United States America via classified method.

Just received intelligence briefing that America was behind colliding of an Iranian oil Tanker off the coast of China. America has expanded its war and sabotage against Iranian economy by directing attacks against some of most important Iranian strategic assets, oil tanker and shipping assets. America has returned targeting of Civilians and Economic assets of other nations. We usually approve retaliations back at America but we are in middle of fixing American regulations on American shipping industry.

The mass mind control of protesters. Pushing for sanctions against Iran via UN and congress. Illegally manufacturing fake permission from me and my master key to start the protests. America also broke fundamental rule by fabricating master privileges. They did so to start the overthrow in Iran but we have almost reversed it. Now America has started economic wars on Iran and rest of the earth. We can start Systemic and Logistic wars to bring American economic system into crawl. if we do you will wait for milk in American metropolitans and yet they will not arrive. North America interconnected metropolises isolated into towns and cities.

It was very wrong to target that oil tanker while we are in middle of changing regulations concerning American shipping industry itself. Never forget that. We were in middle of fixing your problems to boost your economy dear America.

We will release set of files on United States of America economic and political plots in South America. CIA 50 years of continuous sabotage of South and Central America from Brazil to Venezuela and central America. Specially focusing on post 2010 efforts by CIA to cause mistrust and rejection of socialism in South America by masses and thinkers. They are seeking to rewrite story of Socialism in South America and end it on bad memories and thus cause long lasting rejection of Socialism. An analysis of CIA fundamental secrets and methods.

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