An Economic Model for Russia a gift from Iran

Redesigning of pre world war 2 Monetary systems as a post modern economic model for Russia, Iran, and Britain. But this is exclusive focuses on Russia.

The Russian government needs to make a new branch of government as Parallel to its capitalist corporate system of Private economic governance. Thus using state owned and isolated monetary means and systems. The new Parallel system will work and develop many things as sort of military or Royal efforts. Thus it brings about productivity, infrastructure development, and building of new industries and government owned businesses without capital and Cash access that force limitation. These Parallel developed industries and sectors can be later privatized (if not too important to system) Yet they will be on demand backer of parallel system for the time parallel system needs their productivity and help to function. but they day to day operations will be under Capitalism system as long as they are not needed. These privatized industries will be having ownership of 50 percent private 50 percent National and Makan Abazari 1, 101. We call that the triangle of Capitalist, Commonwealth, and Royal wealth economics.

These businesses will be having backing up of the National efforts to develop and guide economics evolutions to secure and expansive economy of Russia and EAEU, including Iran. Thus instead of hoping for private sector to feel the gap organically or watching them to see they are limited due to lack of access to capital and revenue. They will have a Machine helping the to conduct development and projects. We will have abundant source of isolated financial capital to finance, push forward, and conduct projects. Example I build my Factory by using National or EAEU mines. While I have the parts being constructed in rented or national industry and I do the construction by help of people who are paid in currency I publish as Royal wealth for better hood of Commonwealth. Thus people will be using the parallel currency buying from centers having products for that system. You can exchange it for the real currency within maximum 24 hours.

Then I will keep privatized sectors under on demand mechanism enabling myself to take control of their operations and rest while I had privatize them for normal situation. (there could be other factors involved and thus wise management is needed. I will have representatives in their management boards to make sure they are alined with System interests while they will be under private ownership, this piece is similar to USA strategic and Exclusive technological sectors) Thus my national economics will be benefit a great deal by access to newly joined sectors. As they will have access to their products and capabilities in an organic economic system. Thus I will fill the gap in my organic capitalism, boost productivity, produce financial return, and provide independence and security for rest of my capitalist system. These will be guided into lucrative business, strategic expansion, and a entrepreneurial ecosystem that has backing of the nation. When there is conflict of interest between private 49 percent or 50 Percent owner and National 50 or 49 percent there will be my Royal Wealth owner ship and royal voice , Makan Abazari name implies makan is the only one, the 1 percent 100 percent and 101, to put my one percent for directing it as I see fit for resolving conflicts. Thus making it total of 100 percent and then I decide as 101, as Area 51 implies the majority of 1 percent the royal wealth, Makan Abazari. We have political system for senate and congress of USA under Makan Abazari 101 at this time in America but not economics branch of it.

The following is gift from Iran to China. (if any of my twitter posts, blogs, and such get hacked again by USA and deleted or distorted the I will release air and space secrets that I designed and gave to America. Be content with your gifts America and don’t go after others’s gifts like a brat.)

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