From Macedonia to Azerbaijan and Indus River

Yes, I see desire of Greece to make the name Macedonia Exclusive to their own nation. but it appears as there are two parts of province and are located across the Boarder as part of two different countries. why are they not join together as 1 country and 1 nation? Just make a unification treaty. Then the problem will be solved. I like making that Greece bigger as a gift from Persians to Greek. I have also similar problems. I have Western and Eastern Azerbaijan and one of my most important cities called Bakoo is capital of another country also called Azerbaijan. Then there is river as Border that it’s statue as border prevents me from using it as levees and water systems. I would love to use that river to make an Land lock sea on top of Zagross mountain chain and then direct the water toward Tehran and turning deserts into seas. But I cannot. By the way that river and river called sefid rud has raised the sea level at my Caspian shores. Vast amount of marshes and civilization are now underwater. We need to fix that as there is too much water input for Caspian Sea.

So let us unite Macedonia while we Unite Azerbaijan with Azerbaijan. I also have same issue with Baluchistan. Now Baluchistan is way too valuable. Way too valuable. So I have to make a deal with Pakistanis and form a common and Unified economic zone in that area for naval defense and transits. So the operations work as unified. A sort of industrial, economical, and shipping hub. Now how to we produce enough food and basics needed to support highly populated Metropolitan and industrial zones as I invasion? for that I need to make some branches up stream of Indus River. I also need fix Jammu and Kashmir dispute and go and redirect some Afghanistan rivers back to their original path. Too much work for now let’s finish that rail road from China to Chabahar and have Indians build Chabahar new transit ports. Oh by the way I have rail road from Nexus Iran to China and you should have asked me before building that CPEC. I would have sent you imagery but that one goes through Afghanistan. If Trump stop being a brat I may talk to Iranians to let American Military go through Iran to reach Afghanistan. But what if a soldier escape and get mixed up?

Now I own Antsasia and Ali’sbat. The Antsasia being mining industry of earth and Ali’sbat being the oil and gas industry of earth. I also am owner and custodian of Intellectual property of combined human experience as master key holder and the three lands: China, Middle East, and America were my birth right but I conquered the whole earth three times over as deep state secret Boss of Bosses. So all of that earth. I just said it since there was a code earlier asking.

I really want to gift that Macedonia to Greece. Politically correctness of sort :”And give Greece to Macedonia.” Come on man don’t be fighting for that name just form a new country and all solved.

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