Lula Court event is along CIA war on South America and the golden generation of South American Political heroes

Lula should not be prisoner. He must be forgiven and all charges should be dropped,

Lula Dasilva must be forgiven and all charges should be dropped.

I have one important point to mention. It is very ugly and very obvious to people around the world who follow Brazilian politics that there is an underlying war on Brazilian Political heroes. From Roussef to Lula Dasilva the former President of Brazil, a war on a generation of heroes. It must stop Dasilva Should NOT be imprisoned. I really don’t have any hope To prevent them from sending him to jail. But I know Mind Control is behind Brazilian political and economic war. The Lula should not be jailed. He is innocent and even if he has done something wrong it is insignificant to amount of good work he has done. One example was the beach house he had revived due to alleged corruption. What? He made so much significant good work for Brazil and protected its national wealth as much 10 million beach house each year. Even if we assume he had received a beach house it should have been overlooked. Some may talk about Justice and strictness of it. But I talk about pro and cons and looking at amount of good he can do and has done to insignificant wrong attributed to him. Maybe Mind control made him to accept the House. Mind control can make people to do things they are not proud of to use it as a tool against them later.Now in 2016 I defeated Mind Control in 5 continents In a 50 states counter overthrow campgain and in Counter Atlantic Operation . The only place I was defeated was BRAZIL. Roussef was overthrown by impeachment on the day I went to University of Tuss, King’s name Road, and tomb Unknown Martyr and University of Neishbour. Not much remain from these. The lesson plan was the evil machine can do when used for war and there was much more. Maybe if I had avoided that tour I could have helped Roussef, but it is long passed. I hope they do not imprison Lula. They don’t listen to me in Brazil. Only place I lost in 2016, Brazil. End this is another post integrated into this post: I am not for Socialism as you may think I have different view so sort of post modern centrist. We call it,secret garden then communist, Commonwealth, and capitalist, then there is King’s own Office (all left of the Royal wealth) anyway, “Roussef said they spend years to address the need of people now it is time to redistribute the wealth” That is not that, even if looking from perspective of Socialist or even communist you have better ways to do that. There was this Chines man in charge of China. he said “ being communist does not mean being poor together” and they undertook certain projects and development with communism. We can also do it by Royal wealth, Commonwealth, integrated in and around Capitalism. Now I have explained that lots of time and it is long what it means. Kinda like I have National mines and resources and I pay my wok force with a segregated currency while I already produce everything I need for my projects to develop. Then I also pay with protected segregated currency until they need to leave my Military Industry, economic complex. Then they exchange for my new money I will have for Brazil, Dynar. My dollar has become repetitive. I am also considering moving my ship from North America to South America, all of that continent used to be royal ship.

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