Cuban two new Economic Models

I have two outcome for Cuba in mind:
• First plan and maybe outcome: The plan is to return tourism to Cuba by Americans. Advertise it, expand It, and make it a major part of its economy. Intergrate cuban industry and economy into economics of South Eastern US’s economy and offer them membership into NAFTA. Thus they become part of multi national North American supply chain and product manufacturing cycle and trade. It is very important to offer them NAFTA membership at the same time invest extensively to protect their local capabilities and developed new capabilities for Cuba. Thus we will be integrating Cuba into North American economy. This may at first produce trade imbalances but it will neglectable compared to size of American economy. The more important point to realize is it will causes growth and economic expansion for North America and Cuba both. It is due to increasing the economic and financial process and transactions. This growth will Be benefiting all nations involved. Don’t worry if there was a slight trade imbalance.
• If America wants to be leader of the world it should prove itself in every step, every action, and every experiment; (America has utterly failed in every experiment since time of Bush)
• Dear America you failed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
• you proved not trustable and a cheater in Libya.
• America proved life of humanity is nothing to you and all your pretending to be standing for democracy, manufacturing of lies, and support for ISIS is only to achieve gains geopolitically in Syria again and again. Syria will never be ruled by your guys and interests. Or we can give independence to commonwealth states in US.
• You are being tested in Zimbabwe, Tunisia, and else where in the world including Yemen. Yemen genocide reported 10 thousand but we will record it as what it is 1 million soul have died. Vast majority of them were most innocent.
• America you decimated culture, life, Aspiration, Economy, civic institutions, and religion of Major Arab countries in 7 years. Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia. After Obama came to Cairo and said it is time to work for aspiration of Egypt and Help its youth into a better future.
• Now we want true achievement and helping Aspiration all of humanity, specially youth, be fulfilled. But we don’t want nor need this America’s Help in process. We don’t trust a killer in American hands.
• Who said America is a reliable partner in Geopolitics and who told you World will allow you to be leader of the world by such behavior and actions repeatedly. You have proven America is greatest danger to peace and security of the world.
• Dear America you cheated your allies, friends, and partners when we were going into war with Iraq and Afghanistan. You lied. You lied. There was no weapon of mass destruction.
• America simply mind controls world leaders to ignore it, drop it, and forget about last dagger they were stabbed with into their side. Now there are election meddling by USA against EU in Germany, France, England, and Spain.
• Most important thing is taking away every Mind Control Privilege, authority, defensive, and offensive from America and its partners in crime.
• Second is Geopolitics and international community independence of thought. We need to send repeated reminder for all actors on the World stage. Informing them how America behaves and how they should be perceived.
• Of course America will not do any of that for Cuba and thus of course we are all in arm in defense against this America trying to take last defenses of the other world. America is Only coming to Rape, pillage, and kill the peoples. America does it sometimes in name of Freedom and sometimes in name of security.
• The other outcome for another day. Tabriz

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