Inflation in Value Of Stocks

Stock Market is seeing higher and higher prices without real productivity and without real increased value. That is a form of inflation, that is why value of dollar is so over priced and needs to come down. Because World monetary value is set and the improvement is global in the price of stocks. So where is the increased value? It is other currencies getting stronger against primary currency the dollar so added value is due to inflation in American stock market and thus global growth. Now you do not see it in currency exchange and change of currency values. It is because value of dollar is maintained synthetically. The value of every currency is manipulated by force and tricks of mind control. That stock market is just a bubble that will burst in time. The another strong indicator of fall in true value of dollar is value of Iranian Toman. Because looking at facts of history you will find out Iran published dollar for Sea based trade with America before independence of America. Thus when value of Toman is manipulated to that level there is financial cheating and monetary cheating involved. These are deep deep deep state codes and secrets. We know it based on these. The last time they did for political purpose in America during 2012 and confused us we made sure the multi trillion dollar Amtrak is stupid 400 years old train and investment in modern batteries become Chinese, German, and Canadian Properties. Trillions of dollar lost when you reduced the value Toman. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, your dollar is backed up by Toman.

Written in Blood do not delay the Peace in Syria and never get yourself involved in Middle East peace process again. Did you hear me America?

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