United Nations required Facility

This is an e-mail which was released as open letter to put pressure on United Nations to act and take the problem seriously. I have enjoyed working on lots of projects involving United Nations and I see it necessary for United Nations to take the stated steps to protect its staff and leader of Nations while on UN secure rooms. These will Come very handy as experienced world leaders have told me and are agree with me, specially during intense and long negotiations with lots of interests involved. A letter by Makan Abazari to improve United Nations ability to keep on track with its intended purposes.

Dear Staff at United Nations,

We need a new headquarter for United Nation General Assembly and for those responsible for addressing problems of our world such as case of nations, crimes, and injustices. We need to protect them from effects of directed energies and psychotropic weapons. Thus we need shielded facilities. Shielded from wide spectrum radio, electromagnetic, and even magnetic fields. We can have it in form of bunkers or buildings.

Such facilities will be used for negotiations, international agreements, and decision makings by groups of nations. This is the only way we can allow United Nations to continue functioning as it does today.

We have arrived at conclusion that incapability of United Nation to Sanction UAE for Arming Libyans against UN mandate and many other cases are signal for end to UN and Security Council. Saudi and Israel committed war crimes in Yemen and Gaza respectively and there was no international body even ready to point out at their crimes. What was the crime of Yemeni people? Association of weak group with Iran via fantasy. Iran have not dreamed or remembered to one day have any effect on Yemen.

We also have seen failure in case of Syrian peace process and watched UN acting as Arm of United States, Saudi, Israel, France, and Britain thus refusing to be doing its obligation to end conflict and bring peace. Rather acting as power base for America to obstruct peace process.

We see it as issue generated from Mind Control and thus we require independence of United Nation via construction of fully shielded facility where independence and ability to decide is protected. We need this if we are to keep on having United Nations.


Makan Abazari,

Commander in Chief of Western World and Commander in Chief of Eastern world,

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