Saudi and UAE uncontrolled injection of money into lobbying firms has been alarming

Saudi and UAE uncontrolled injection of money into lobbying firms has been alarming

The pressure and Media campaign against Iran is due to extensive and uncontrolled spending on lobbying by Gulf Nations and Israel. Israel is using great amount of pressure and influence to orchestrate government officials, media, and publishing companies to manufacture consent and support against Iranian government. These type of pressure on Iran also has been exasperated due to huge sum of money spent by Gulf States on lobbying American government officials and on Think Tanks. The level of intrusion into USA government stands amount to bribery of Government Officials and even loss Independence of USA. This is not a new case and Iran is not the first target of such scenarios in Washington. Yet Trump carelessness and his lack of experience coupled with uncontrolled injection of cash into Lobbying firms by Saudi and UAE has exasperated the situation. America is acting against its geopolitical interests and is standing on the wrong side of history. Yet all those who understand and see the wrong in this lobbying mechanism are made unable of changing the status quo.

The US government Officials and Lobbyist firms should be investigated for treason. The situations at this point of history stands amount to treason, bribery, and criminal activity. There is also need for investigation on amount of money transferred to groups and individuals in lobbyist firms and government. Thus we also have corruption case in addition to treason and criminal political behaviors. They are not reporting all the money funneled into Think Tanks, media, and Publishing Industry.

Makan Abazari

Office of Intelligence Communication

Word document at the bottom of page Murder in Makkah Achievements missing from Records

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