Mind Control Tricks, new CIA Director, Bolton, and Mass Torture

Disclaimer: I neither reject nor confirm CIA as the people who use remote means for torture. But there are codes and patterns indicating mass torture.

In 2013, 2014, to 2016 they used remote torture to manipulate influentials and it seems it has picked up again. They use it in support of both political parties or against one of them.

Disclaimer: The democrats and republican are not responsible for torture and if you find it appearing as such it is do to malicious mind control.

Appointment of Bolton and appointment of new CIA director with history of torture signals that mind control is going to torture lots of people to influence the politics. SO I have decided if it is indeed meant for influencing election to respond by punishing you by worst of the worst for your plans in progress. I give you more of which you want to get rid of. You are trying to impeach Trump by winning congress by mind controlling Democrats. Who are mind control anyway to fuck with people using waves? I just give you the opposite so we laugh at your efforts. Also you learn to never torture folks. So I give you more republican senate and congress. I will keep Trump in place for three years. Then whoever brings TOP SECRET. Assuming you bring what I want concerning classified part. classified Even then he will be working to support Makan Abazari’s efforts. We will be making a team to build a USA worthy of Name of Freedom and Liberty. Point is you will not get congress by mass torture. Specially not until you build real political party from democratic base which you decimated at time of Obama.

Mind control: But Trump is in bed with Saudis. They bring enemies of Iran. They are all in Arms to confront you Makan.

Makan: Don’t worry I know how to control my USA, President, and National efforts. Be it as USA or Iran. I may have to get back control of USA by pressure. It will not be by your stupid plot of mass torture. We even can educate public to comprehend this by mind control help. The point is I have decided to give Democrats a chance. Only if they come up with a real political party (not tea bag), Iranian supporters, and representatives as champions of Justice, like my Jo Coxx. We shall not allow you to manipulate USA election to bring a generation of democrats by abusing mass mind control and torture. I need real people in those congress sits who have capability to see all of these. Be it republican or democrat. You see I have decided to do this my way since either way I decide for all of it.

Pdf version of the files (it must be protected.)

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