How to run the world by a Facebook account and being me

there was two photos I took together of myself after I placed it here the hacker removed it so Eyes are not reliable. Yes an eye and code cheating using hackers. all these. The photo is missing.

I used to post texts but recently hacking attacks has became savagery, making it impossible to type on tablet thus became impossible to operate all of these while sabotaged by hackers, Mind blasts, brain pirates and garbages with alarm keys to press if they don’t like what I write for them as orders. I also like the obedient ones. So I took their alarm keys and brought papers.

Tillerson was one of best Secretary Of States we have had in decades. Unfortunately everywhere he was showing a great gain Trump sank his ship for example in Qatar, Africa, and other places Tillerson did well. In South America and Middle East he bought back American reputation to a certain extend. (These sounds here this Brookline can be a mean town) Everytime he was going aggressive I had to sink his ship for example bringing Saudi to Iraq was no no. World order boundaries. The other move was he proposing threat military action against Venezuela I had to go a great extend as far threats to avert that. Also during his service I was against USA geopolitics due to mind control delaying of Syrian Peace talks sabotaging my patient efforts in Sochi and Astana Peace Talks. Mind Control was doing it in accordance to lobbyists space monkeys (mind controlled slaves), and geopolitics paraolympics (Think Tanks) of Washington DC. So I was globally aggressive against USA but Tillerson held well while John Kerry could not stand it for even 2 month. Lots of that and in North Korea we owe aggressive development by North Korea to Pompeo bullying of North Korea (hello hydrogen bomb) while I enjoyed shadowing Tillerson to Seal the peace talks and Olympics. I sang: “ Hemisphere and Spheres secrets of Korean Earth.” Uncle Sam the mean one: “What is that shape Makan ?” Ball? I replied but it is actually sphere. Mean Uncle Sam: “ now publish in Name Of Makan all of all of our military industry secrets.”

Who wants to invest in Iraq Rail Road Industry? We can revive the legendary and oldest rail way System in the world (actually it was built after Iranians but within 5 years). Iraq can use it for transit of goods, construction material, passengers, and it will help integration of neighboring countries into functioning economies and flourishing cultures. Iraq has been destroyed twice in 2 decades and it’s now dormant but previously legendary rail way System can play crucial role in accelerating the rebuilding efforts. We can start with purchasing new trains for passenger and cargo and establishing efficient management. From there there is mining, fuel, manufacturing, and interconnected cities transiting goods and this improving the outlook of the country. Later I will teach you for another time how to build a Pentapolis so we build Pentapolise of rail way System. Pentapolis has both port city metropolis versions and rail road version.

Mussa Mustafa Mussa is still my choice. But If Sissi is to stay then he needs to give guarantee to end the imprisonment of Egyptian population both liberal-secular and Muslim Brotherhood prisoners. You cannot isolate a population as you isolated Muslim Black Americans in the USA to change the social fabric of African American population. We cannot allow you to do that again. It is time to release them. Do you understand? You have done the same in Iran, Libya, and other places under different pretexts. Also Sissi opens Raffah Crossing right two days before Election Day after a long time. of it being shut. All of mind control have been coming to aid of Sissi. Example, The Egyptian cell phone company had been sabotaged for years until 2 month ago to be ready by the time of election. it has been available for order at least for two month to bring synthetic sense of pride to Egyptian population. While before then their batteries were stolen at ports, their supply chains was disturbed, and designers were mind controlled into making mistakes and delays. But now Suddenly gates open and product is ready. Another hint that he is getting a boost to appear as more fitting president to population: Sissi has been inaugurating projects during last three month. While normally he has not been inaugurating any of these during majority of his presidency. Only during the last couple of months they were concurrently being completed. . The same projects have been under strict mind control block and delay for years. How did they all come together at perfect time? Mind control wants to keep him as leader. But if he is going to keep People prisoner those who helped us removed Mubarak in Egypt then Sissi has to go. He also needs to open Suez Canal to Iran. It is also very important point Sissi must remember. The Suez Canal and relation with Iran.

From here they are going older posts:

I support Mattis and he will stay


We need to end Makan Abazari’s (me) Isolation now since it is being used to weaponize his efforts against different actors. Funny how when he gets at the heart of the enemy (hackers, corporates, and Intelligence Community crooks) interest complex and then they mention this. Come on until two days ago it was no way pal but today since his dagger touching your own heart you mention it. The today posts were not relevant to this issue and were part of global plot of correction of behavior in system. Now we have evidence they use psychological disturbance, Mind control, cell phone blockings, hacking, and tension causing events and condition for themselves to fish from Makan Abazari’s extensive power. So we decided to end his isolation, providing love, awesome friends, and social interactions. A balanced and joyous experience of life where he also makes informed and well engineered decisions and actions. Uncle Sam: confirmed. Uncle Sam Minion 2: we need to trace the people who block Makan Abazari’s Communications, hack his equipments, and individuals within NSA, CIA, and IC who take part in providing authority via different holes in the system to pressure Makan Abazari. We can also provide authority for USA Military and CIA itself to take part in providing force needed to remove this extensive, mind control hacking, IC, private, and different assets used to isolate Makan Abazari. (Uncle Sam minion 2 gives directive to CIA.) Uncle Sam: we may need technological help to confront Mind control hijacks, provide financial support for Makan , and make such difficult choices to fix the issue. Observer: Makan Abazari is so powerful that they are willing to lose hundred cambridge analytical but maintain their web around Makan Abazari. Then there are actors who have been hit so hard just because of taking part that don’t want anything to do with this. It is a dangerous game.

Makan: I am in middle of this, stuck, and days of my life passing by in annoyance and difficulties all manufactured. And indeed I am capable of collective punishment for all of you. Fear me. I am talking to you. You, you, you, and thou. All of you.

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