New League of Nations

We need to start new League of Nation Parallel to United Nations as United Nation has lost its legitimacy and integrity to conduct its basic duties. Unfortunately mind control regiment that United Nations staff are on are so wrong that they can not function as basic up holder of Rule of law among Nations. We have seen it in Syria. We experienced during Iranian Sanctions have the United Nations acted as weapon. I also have seen world leaders at general assembly being Mind controlled and twisted out of their true intends. We need new organization to solve conflicts and uphold laws. We have no desire to keep an institution like United Nations in its current status.

(I have not edited nor reviewed this since I am under effect of extreme mind control disturbances and I pretended to be waiting in a Coffee shop to type this while two Mind Control where competing. The third should never know I am writing the one that comes from web)

In last seven years it became very apparent that USA is using United Nations and International community as a tool for its global mischief and interests. For example overthrow of Assad after destruction of Syria was one primarily pursued goal of USA. Prior to that we saw Bush administration had lied to global community and lead the world into a war that reduced Iraq to rubbles after killing one million in a country that experienced one of best Standards of living in Arab world. Syria was my little Europe and you made it killing fields. Then you used mind control to force United Nations and international community into conformity. United Nation became your weapon of war which you used and abused other nations you were blindly targeting with no purpose but destroying their progress and achievements. We saw in several rounds of peace process in Genova and other European based International organizations under UN banner you have used mind control and international institutes for pressure against Syrian Government, its people, its values, and securities. Making illegal demands and you have invaded Syrian nation.

We as the rest of earth set up ASTANA peace talks, Sochi Syrian People Congress (master Architect work, you never break these) , and other efforts to bring peace. But we witnessed you mass mind controlled people derailed the process and harmed our efforts. We need another international community where USA has zero capability to mind control folks. Absolutely secure for USA. We have chosen Russia as the leader of new world order. Because we trusted America for Iraq Invasion, Libya overthrow, and and Syria and we only were deceived. I have withdrawn legitimacy from British, German, France, and the rest of NATO government to speak for themselves. We mind control them, we are them, and we guide their efforts but sometimes American mind control forces moves that we don’t desire. We cannot trust America and we no longer want America as leader of the free world. But your mind control plot for destroying Russian Image and Diplomatic relations to cause rift between us and Russia has bore fruit after you yourself mind controlled others to poison the British Russian Double Agent.

From Now on we demand and we want a new International community separate from United Nations and with independent authorities. This new League of Nations will be primarily used for dispute resolution, peacemaking, and other such moves such as Israel-Palestine Peace Talks. We will have Russians orchestrating the reminder of path for Palestine – Israel peace negotiations.

There will be a Central Building similar to UN building. We will build it in Iran or Russia. We will have it shielded from mind control and we will have ambassadors from Nations that join residing in shielded houses and work in shielded locations thus international relations are not affected by cheap USA mind control hijack.

We also will accept members from across the globe from Africa to China and rest of earth. We even have designed new Security Council as victors of third World War we fought in Syria. The Three Victors are Iran, Russia, and Syria. We get Turkey, Britain, France, and Southern EU also as our spoils of war.

The current moves by USA government to mass mind control European Governments to expel Russian diplomatic staff from the host countries all were meant to reduce diplomatic credit of Russia so they cannot host or continue their righteous work of fixing our world.

But our Diplomatic Credit and Makan Abazari’s substantial Diplomatic Credit is behind Russian Diplomatic efforts and we both sanction American diplomatic teams both at UN and State Department. We reject both Nikki Haley and John Pompeo.

Mind Control of USA: Neither Nikki Haley is approved nor Mike Pompeo although they will get help but remember we do not want them.

Makan: so you putting it on someone else? Can you leash your Space Monkeys? Private mind control bosses, Geopolitics puppets, and those and these. I have friend in USA Army that will bomb these if you need. I also have Navy Seal Codes I could use to get those different ways.

X man: I also control all the satellite and Signal intelligence I can set your drones to arrive to their homes, bases, and complexes.

Uncle Sam from Alaska: We can also use our classified warheads to decimate their castle vault complex that will need massive army and substantial difficulty to take out.

Uncle Sam from USA: hold on…. But I want to remain leader of the earth.

Makan: But you failed in Iraq, Libya, and Syria only bringing death. By the way leading the world like this is worth than being slave to bunch of puppets in different interest complexes of lobbyists who force US into imbalance dance of monkeys.

Uncle Sam: That is why we have Makan Abazari to correct these, order us, and decide for the path we take as all of us. To the right path. If you are going to distort him, making him anti USA, and brain wash him into anger to make him not desired as giver of all orders in USA then we have to come and bomb your mind control bases. So Makan Abazari decides for World Order and he will use his weather codes next time you distort him, if you try to censor the events to him, or Hijack USA leadership from him.

End Seal and Signed Uncle Sam.

United State Mind Control: we are part of USA government and we are against many of the things that our government does but the people who make these decisions are themselves mind controlled and military contractors, corporations, and private people mind control the strategic people who make these decisions. Then we have to mind control rest of the earth to achieve USA think tanks feed to public. It is fundamentally flawed method of doing this and there are so many people groomed and raised by mind control from birth by different mind control groups that are hard to fix and they sit in position of decision making.

Inheritance of Obama Administration: There are long term world order planning and decisions that influence our geopolitics and national moves as mind control and policy. These plans were made by some racist segregator’s decades ago. Mind Control cannot change them, Presidents cannot change them, and if there is anyone who can change it is all of us. We also sent Makan Abazari for back door communication to Iran three times and he negotiated BREXIT, SILK ROAD, and Signed by his Codes JPOCA and he also pressured us for Syria and other things. When he returned we chose him for writing the new world order. But mind control competitions kept distorting his work and orders. We need to confront the mind control that has been distorting his works because we will lose if we lose Makan Abazari. Do not rely much on your mind control of USA because they are segregated from Makan Abazari. Once the home base connects there is nothing that can prevent them from changing the world order. Because Makan Abazari’s name is the seal and sign as decision making for all of us.

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