Mind Control Influence on Civil engineeringEngineering

We are not having a series on Metropolitan Engineering, Moving Pyramids, and City Building. I can accept 3 FreeMasons as my Apprentices and teach them. Before you come here you need to answer two Question. How will you move Boston College to Neyshabur, Iran? and How you move the coffee shop behind Wellesley College (next to lake) to Macon, Georgia or Markham, Ontario? You can engineer any mean of transportation and tool you may need. Don’t limit yourself to conventional means. If you design air delivery it is even better.

Now I have also opening for 3 Planetary Engineer for Colonizing Moon and Mars. Before you come here you need to answer two Question.

Question One:

How will you propel industries, housing, and facilities from Tabriz, Iran directly to Mosul, Iraq? (You need to design your delivery system in a way that Housing, Workshops, and Factories have soft landing on exact spot intended. NorthEastern University has advice: Don’t forget weather effects that may change the path. )

Question Number two:

How can you build a City on Mars with 5 Monkeys and some advanced Rovers? (We have done so previously on the moon. You may want to review most classified NASA files)

Was her face the sun or moonlight? His name was Makan.

We are introducing new Currency as well. For every Space Station and Colony you build in Space you will produce one Pond Starling (Not Sterling) to be Published by Iranian Central Bank.

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