Islamic Cities, CIA Style

As I previously said, I am accepting three apprentice from Freemasons to come and learn the ultimate secrets. Mind control delivered report on your progress via waves directed to brain (I am segregated in the brook). Some of you are doing well while some of you are bugged down in equipment engineering. A concept would be enough as far as designing machineries or equipment for the task.

Now I ask two other questions for those who are done.

How will you lift Statue of Liberty and deliver it from Egypt to New York? You can use air, sea, and land transit.

How will you lift and deliver Pentagon and put it around Statue of Liberty as an engagement ring?

You may use all means which could be possibly brought into service of humanity.

After I train three Apprentices we will build an Amphitheater from one piece of Marble. Carry it to Massachusetts and then I will hold a class to teach you more secrets. Then when done we will have a practical history lesson on why Marble Structures are missing from earth.

So some of you answered previous questions:

Well I already thought all of these to people so you can find the answer in my foot prints online. It will take thousand years and then they could be hacked so…..

So I have new question,

How can you build Empire State Building in One Month to Three Month and build 5 other Sky Scrapper along with it but faster since they will be smaller. We assume you do some of work for wires and piping later but nothing stops you from doing it at the same time. Why do we choose 5 towers instead of 7 since we can also build the 7 Skyscrapers. Because we do not want to rebuild 7 towers of Ottoman empire used as prison. Rather we choose five as warning shot for the people who have isolated me, Makan Abazari.

See the only reason we built the Empire states in 1 to 3 months and not in two weeks is bottlenecks that will slow us down. We can theoretically do it in 2 weeks but then we need very expensive technology built first. So in order to take advantage of our capability and capacity in place to build at optimal level we build five extra skyscrapers. Yes because we want to be more Efficient.

Now we have the goal of Building a New Metropolitan in North Iraq and Another one on The Assad Lake and between Eye of Jesus and Eye of Arab in Syria. I have also published a New Currency for Syria. ” The Pond Of Syria with Photo Of Assad. ” Assad will remain as leader of that country.

Makan Abazari The King of Kings, Murder in Makkah Achievements missing from Records

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