Governance of the Earth on April 20th


I need a special consul in EU composed of EU parliaments and Appointees tasked with dealing with current crises such as Fragmentation Of EU, fall of classic parties, rise of far right, and rise of populists parties with failed policies and naive values, and in general protecting EU project from fragmentation and maybe bringing more integration. Now for integration I do not support nor oppose because if I do so it would like you guys being Mind controlled to bomb Syria just falling for it. But I understand EU needs protection from fragmentation and I am telling you you cannot expand anymore eastward. I also need previous German Cabinet Members join the new team for advisory role and training. I want you to explain every detail of your reasoning to New cabinet members when support or oppose something. They need to see what you see then integrate it with their own values. It does not have to be official but it must happen.

Spain and South America initiative:

I commented this on my previous posts. I need Spain in South America.

This move is also good. If it is followed with Spain providing technological and Management helps needed for Venezuela to lift itself out of crisis. It can be solved by Industrial scale farming, some local household and pharmacudecal factories. Now the most important part is rapid and multi dimensioned repair and increase to Venezuela oil production and output. They need some chemicals and expertise to repair their oil infrastructure. I know there are histories concerning colonization era. That is long past. This time Spain and Venezuela could build upon shared language and intertwined heritage and background. I would be happy if Spain be involved in Venezuela but make sure you are navigating global mass Mind control against Venezuela wisely.

Oil Industry and Petroleum price:

See we used the Efficient Machine to expand US oil industry during Obama era. Then we did it in a way that we get most energy security outcome possible from that action. Now oils is going around 70 dollar a barrel. But we spent some 80 to 90 dollar a barrel cost of development and extraction in USA. So we are losing money by selling oil as USA and we are largest producer globally at this moment far surpassed Saudi Arabia. But don’t worry because we spent money already and we are getting part of our money by producing oil for less than we spent to develop it. (We already spent the development cost). Now Trump wants to reduce the value of Oil. But it’s impact on USA wlll be minimal. Do you know who is most impacted negatively by high oil price? China. China is the worst hurt when oil price is high. (((Think Tanks: But you know let us confront Iran and Russia so we keep value of oil low, they missed this perspective=> lose money as USA, and boost as China. Conclusion of Washington DC geopolitics Paraolympics.) of Military Equipment and needed Oversight:

We told you in summer you are not allowed to sell F35 to South Korea. Do you remember? Every piece of weapon you sell you need to consider possibility of it being reverse engineered. We can not have that Trump tearing up red tapes for making dollar napkins by selling American superiority and exclusivity. #Trump

Necessity to prevent Saudi expansion into Syria:

This move is not acceptable and will have severe consequences globally. It is a red line that Trump is not allowed to cross. If you do this and cause establishment of Saudi force in Syria then we will change our way. then you will see the fat fat fat monster you have been creating by supporting Saudi. We simply cease to contain saudi and rather will get behind their lobbying power making them Over Powered. Thus we will force the Saudi and UAE Coalition down your throat globally. we said that Gulf Coalition is banned in Iraq and Syria. Do you want us to support them too? If we support them they simply become too powerful and rule the earth, You are trespassing World Order by bringing Arab-Saudi Force to Syria. If it happens we will break the balance of power by also supporting Saudi. Having them expand all the way to California. You are trying to cause conflicts and problems in middle east by doing that. But we will not fall for that. We will rather have the Saudi Coalition take it and then bring Russians to help Saudi too. Then we kick USA out of security council and will have ben Salman on the throne. So stay in your own brook god damn it and stop interviewing in world order and stop trying to bring Saudi to Syria and Iraq. Do you get red line? It is written all over it.

Medditerranean Sea and South Europe integration Project:

It is a good but small step toward Medditerranean Sea Economic Development and integration. Now it will be better if it is done all around Medditerranean and Southern Spain, Southern Italy, and Greece are benefiting more than Northern Italy and Spain.

Cyber Security and Telecommunication:

Do you remember I told USA Military drop that coordination with Russian Military via google? Yes end that. If you want we build you satellites and means to do it. Now I am saying something similar to Telegram. Some of our most important and secure communications happen via Telegram. We have Telegram as defense against Internet deep state who are very dangerous to safety and security of all of us. I am not happy with Telegram diverting your traffic and data through Google Infrastructure. You sold us all out. I don’t care if services go offline, one week or one year. What I care about security of those info. More valuable than google itself.

Need for uniform nano Particles and addition of new synthesis parameter to engineering process:

Submarines and planes need to be engineered by great degree of care and accuracy as smallest variation could be extremely dangerous. Now the nano particles also need for such precise manufacturing so the variation do not cause different outcome in the body. Some nano particle are very hard to be engineered again and again by exact property. Something like magnet that steer the solution can cause variation. slightest change in ratio of material cause change. In nano unlike chemistry the ratio can be constant but outcome may be different. For example the nano solvent that produce the environment in which fabrication happen will shape different synthesis shape by slightest variations. Even the magnetic field the plate produces to achieve steering speed can be different even if the two speed are equal but magnetic field are not. So I have an idea. When it comes to manufacturing nano particles we can introduce packages or software for robots. So if I need such product widely used for treatment of body I will use the synthesis file for it and these condition needed can be kept constant by the robot.

Another issue is which side of reactants the nano particle was formed as those toward the middle can have different shape and property than the one created toward the edge of solution. But what I propose is we can use organisms to produce some of nano structure via genetically engineer them. For example algae for silicon. But then the problem is we need nano particle and other controlled environmental and chemical inputs to guide the synthesis. I have synthesized nano particle needing to be 12 nm and it had ranged from 9 to 18. Although for the 18 I changed the parameter to see the affect on it. Also lots of stuff. Now what about this? We cage our nano particle that has high possibility to trigger an unwanted signal on membrane of cell and the caging material property is not an activating type. Then we have the cage to pass through the Membrane and then we use supersonic or magnetic wave to crush the cage once inside cell and then releasing our nano particle. Oh also this, we can also synthesis our nano material in different gravity for example, orbit of the earth or orbit of Jupiter in there nano synthesis will produce nano with different property which may be impossible to produce on earth via laboratory on earth. Now a very classified secret. Depending on where you synthesis nano material the condition may change the out come of synthesis. It is not for all nano material. But see Natanz and Bermuda have magnetic fields that will down your plane if you come close. So those magnetic fields are possibly impacting nano synthesis also. Another thing we can do is use magnetic fields on synthesis environment and influence the synthesis process in a localized fashion so I manipulate the material on edge so they are more similar to the ones forming in center. We can also factor in and apply application of magnetic waves, shapes, and forces as part of nano-engineering parameter.

Here Humanity I give you new tool to use in nanoengineering and synthesis, now you can use magnetic field applied from outsize source for synthesis to change nanoparticle property. The Internet Uncle Sam is making my hand dry and giving me stress I guess he already stole this. Achievements missing from Records

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