Planetary Science and Nuclear Engineering for Space Mission I don’t know if you heard about my trillium powered spaceship project working on with Criers Intellectual property. You can use two different type of nuclear rods or cores to continuously reactivity trillium in these type of nuclear reactors. So your rod last much longer before getting exhausted. My Spaceship is meant to reach quarter speed of light but it’s weakness is need for very cold environment for its maximum efficiency and also cooling. Since there are parts to force radiation back into process increasing the efficiency of reactor and preventing lost. We are trying to use the radiation possibly for reactivation of secondary nuclear rod which activates first one while it is being used up and has reached a threshold. We are working with an Iranian via Mind Control to design and work on it. The goal is installing it on a space craft. But it will not be used for take off rather a continuous acceleration process. We are also working and radar system that scans meteors and meteoric belt around our solar system. We working on this somewhere else. We are also working on 3D printing on board of spaceship for our projects. Our project could be 3D assembly of Missile Launcher most needed for scenario or for designing a hydraulic equipment to be assembled as part of a specialized robot. We also have an onboard AI for calculation and we are going to build a god mode computer on earth for calculations we may need in different events and scenarios. We also (uncle Sam don’t talk about it) no we also need several types of nuclear missile possible some hydrogen bombs to blast meteors which may limit our super fast space ship. We need propelling technology which launches these nuclear bombs ad ensures our super fast spaceship is out of nuclear blast radius when they hit the meteors which otherwise would have slammed on our spaceships.

Facebook post I originally wrote forgot to mention on other article the fact that gravity plays critical role in our biological activities and specially emberyonic stem cell differentiation which makes colonizing mars and moon not viable in long run. To assume we can have colony in mars for ever then we most assume people will look different as different gens being expressed and tissue engineering principles influence cellular developments and even maintain acne overtime. Now on this article Trappist-1 planets more than anything offer a good condition in which we can further our understanding of gravity since the planets gravity influencing each other orbits in this system we can gain much information about gravity itself when large scale mass and bodies are involved. For Biosphere there comes different conditions which makes life a very strict condition and magnetosphere and even water are not enough. We as combined biomass of the earth are reliant on e(ahhh torture this brook Mind Control hates me) we are reliant on exact composition of earth inner materials and gravity and magnetic field they produce. We need it for many of critical evolutionary processes and fundamental biological things (mind blast) (Uncle Brook: I stole this as area 50 from Makan Abazari and Area 51, I got fat and don’t let are 51 say its work) Makan : that is why I need to leave area 50 Essex Brookline since these material are banned to area 50 and they now exporting mind control force to censor are 51. We are reliant on exact material composition of earth, exact gravity, exact magnetic field to have biological phenotypes and properties. Example, cellular walls of planets may not form correctly on a different situation and different gravity and magnetic field. In addition to that we also are affected by gravity of sun and moon as well. These are also hugely important since many of cellular functions and systematic biological process within a cell and in physiology relies on the force applied by the gravity of moon and sun. If they are missing our systems biology also is changing at molecular scale. By Makan Abazari.

Facebook link I usually write scientific stuff on Facebook This Article is about something else but the goals is kinda same category of science. on this, someone in mind control told me (over 3 months ago) to ask for something slightly similar but there was no opportunity for me to ask. The guy said (or lady) we need equipment which emit waves toward center of mars (inner parts) and analyze the wave reflection, reradiating, and in general all the information we can get from material composition inside the mars. Similar to use of waves for oil exploration or recconessance plane used to find Submarines. The types and energy level of waves is not my expertise but I would say multiple different frequencies and different receivers which would be able to receive and sense the returned signal from depths of mars. I guess they need higher energy than usual crafts we send. But it is possible to do so and we can get an understanding of layer by layer material composition of Mars. So this was Mind Control request. The piggy mean one. Maybe they changed my perception of his character. Anyway, later. Sorry you may been good but the thing about the Psychotronic accent of communication was the type I don’t like.

I cannot be in Area 50, Essex Massachusetts, I am practically a hostage. Everything I do will be assaulted by full force of mind control to keep me here. I cannot access my own wealth and my phones are all blocked only my mother can call me. I can only call my mother also. Any other call is blocked.

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