The Iranian Nuclear Deal (Documents)

This is the document on changes needed for Nuclear Deal with Iran. The changes can be done overtime but the need for recertification by Trump Administration must end now. Achievements missing from Records

If Nuclear Agreement changed to something else or if America impose sanctions on Iran I am considering sanction on USA:

“I am personally considering sanctioning America if they change Nuclear deal against Iran and fail to remove recertfication requirement. I am going to impose ban to sell of Rare Earth metals and other chemical compounds and Elements America imports from China, Africa, and Russia. The main sources being Iran, China, North Korea, Russia, and Africa. I want to ensure sanction on second hand sell to America is also imposed for any mine originated from Iran and on certain elements and coumpounds originating from any location. Meaning you buy and then process my Aluminum in Europe you still should not sell to America. In Africa I am also going to use combination of governments and Rebel Forces if it comes down to it. I will have China come with me on sanctions and Russia is onboard. Then we break several strategic Sectors of America forcing them to leave USA and even remove USA from list of the nations involved in strategic sectors.” By the way when I told you do not sanction Russia in middle of my operation which you hijacked and orchestrated anti Russia and Iran sanction In congress 5/2017. Then I made sure you sanction yourself out of some these mines. You missed that? Yeah we did that because you disobeyed orders so I made you to sanction yourselves out of strategic resources.

If JCPOA fails or if Iran be placed under additional harsh sanctions:

If Nuclear Deal Breaks Down I will have Iran go Industrial scale Nuclear Technology achieving capacity to produce several nuclear bombs a day in case we decided to build them. Any new deal after break down of JCPOA will include unlimited Uranium , Plutonium, and hydrogen enrichment. I am also going to teach them hydrogen and Plutonium short cuts to high enrichments. Since it is easier to make these two than Uranium. I am also going to teach them other principles of industrialization, transit, processing, and civil Engineering enabling the country to turn Iran into one nuclear factory synchronized to smallest details to perform max efficiency and capacity. Example bring 100s of machinery and cut a Plutonium mountain out of mountain, have nuclear cycles with twenty different infrastructures for each step. Processing a mountain of Plutonium into bomb level enriched nuclear material within couple of week. I will build couple of hundred nuclear bombs but planing to go to 30000 minimum I previously stated. If I feel there is international pressure then I go closed economy and start a Cold War style efforts. I just want you to know if this nuclear deal fails and if it stays but America fails to meet its obligation (America has not upheld the deal correctly) I will become nuclear state and internationally accepted as nuclear state and I will go to nuclear arsenal large enough to ensure mutual destruction in any conflict. ” Washed recent History of World of Humanity Enslaved by Magnetic Waves Achievements missing from Records Murder in Makkah Warfare Related Articles

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