Muslim Peace Keepers Approved for Gaza, West Bank, and Jerusalem

It has been requested by 3 Middle Eastern Nations (Not Iran) to send peace keeping troops to Palestine , Both West Bank and Gaza, to protect Civilians from mind controlled Israelis which going for harm and kill in every situation. It seems Israel troops AI is set to harm and inflict suffering on Palestinians. Uncle Sam (That is not me it is old Uncle Sam who is dead now his orders live in AI) : “We wanted to make fun of Israelis by mind controlling them to kill 1000 people for each wounded soldier. Look at them King David throne but what happened to a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye? Hold on let me recite a Rabbi Statement. He said Jewish people are chosen of the God and they are superior to other people belonging to other religions. But you can not be Jewish unless you are born Jewish. So it is Genetics. “ Old Uncle Sam End. What do we do about such a Racist Israeli thinking? Now add old Uncle Sam AI to Israel which goes for killing an annihilation if you do not contain it. Yes Israel has religious and genetic supremacy fantasies and has the Killer AI on their mind control. Uncle Khumeini:” I did not like it when you called my peace keepers in Lebanon Terrorists. We protected Jewish People for 50 years in Middle East after World War 2 and we built the earth before then and we had to protect others from Israelis when they became too dangerous.”

Uncle Sam:”Anyway, I don’t like Khumeini. But we mind controlled him too. so peace keepers from Muslim Nations in West Bank and Gaza.” Makan Abazari:”Of course we send them there to protect Palestinians and also Jewish people.” Turkey is NATO so will be fine. Just make sure to build a port and Air Port in Gaza since I need to have logistics separate from Israeli logistics. #Israel #Palestine #Middle #East #Turkey #Kuwait #Saudi #Arabia #Egypt #Lebanon #Uncle #Sam

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