America in Ukraine

“Concerning Putin suggesting special status for Donbas. “ we cannot have such special status in Ukraine and Ukraine will remain a unified Nation. Also end of civil war in Ukraine is very important to save Ukrainian technologies and industries. They will again reintegrated into Russian industries if Peace is achieved quickly. Until then Russia has to keep the capabilities alive by doing them in Iran or Russia itself. Ukraine will be bridge between EU and Russia with both accents of technologies. The Ukraine civil war is an aAmerican design carried by mind control which has led to decimation of Ukraine capabilities and Sanctions on Russia. Instead of Civil war and independent Russia would have sought overthrow of illegitimate government which followed American coup in Ukraine. Save Ukraine by making it pro Russian and ending civil war. Not change of status of regions. Ukraine will be technological and exclusive tech super power like the past as long as it’s economy and industry are intertwined with Russians. Then later EU comes and expand its capabilities thus turning Ukraine into bridge between East and West we want such scenario but concurrent for Iran as well were technologies of both European Union and Russia are being produced and worked on within Iranian territories and are available. We also expanding land, sea, and hopefully Air Transit capabilities of Iran by having Russians and hopefully European partners being involved. Anyway, no special status of Donbas and end the civil war. Also need to Overthrow Ukraine. Protect Iran. Letters