Backdoor Communication with NASA and American Space Program

Rule Number one Space station and space port building and related technologies: Space war, sabotage, mind control disturbance of engineers, and any such sabotage to gain exclusivity by America should be prevented. If we witness one we will halt all space progress in USA. I do in china, Iran, India, EU, or Russia and if America comes and sabotage it then America will be reset in space technology. So you stay from others progress. #NASA#White#House#Space#Program#SpaceX#Boeing#LockheedMartin#Private#National#Business#Rocket#Spaceship#WhiteHouse#SpacePort#SpaceStation#SpaceProgram#MakanAbazari

The facebook post I communicated it from

The lack of scaffolt when you synthesis and differntiate cells does not correct the other issues it will cause. I worked on tissue engineering on earth and I know you will not need scafolds for making tissues where the gravity is missing but read my article on on effect of gravity on cellular developments and growth and molecular foldings. The cell donot grow and differantiate similar to earth when the gravity is different. Thus tissue growth and synthesis will be giving us totally different outcome. but I need to generate data for all these in orbit of moon, on mars, and orbit of jupitor. So I can finalize our understanding about gravity. #Gravity#Magnetic#Cell#Molecule#Folding#Space#Program#NASA#Angiogenesis#Iran #Space #Program #Synthesis#Tissue#Engineering#MakanAbazari

The facebook I communicated it from

The lack of scaffolt when you synthesis and differntiate cells could feel nice in places the gravity lacking but it does not correct the other issues it will cause due to lack of gravity. I worked on tissue engineering on earth and I know you will not need scafolds for making tissues where the gravity is missing but read my article on on effect of gravity on cellular developments and growth and molecular foldings. The cell donot grow and differantiate similar to earth when the gravity is different. Thus tissue growth and synthesis will be giving us totally different outcome. Since many of cellular and Physiological activities are dependent on magnetic and gravity. but I need to generate data for all these in orbit of moon, on mars, and orbit of jupitor. So I can finalize our understanding about gravity. #Gravity#Magnetic#Cell#Molecule#Folding#Space#Program#NASA#Angiogenesis#Iran #Space #Program #Synthesis#Tissue#Engineering#MakanAbazari I attached the blog here.…/embryonicapplieddisci…/

thus space is not a very safe place for human beings. space tourism should stop being driver of our space program. But who will finance this and what will be the financial support behind our space works under space program? Iran is going to produce new currency and rewrd everyone who builds a space station or produces a new colony. (Brookline massachusetts haters hitting me with aggressive waves, directed energy, the hate against Iran is great) So if you build a colony or build a space station you produce one to 20 Iranian Pound based on success and scale of work. The Iranian pound will be also used for trades involving Space stations and colonies. They will also have substantial value on earth and could be used for mega projects. So let us publish the currency we intend to publish (different from new world currency) to be using Iranian pound as reward of space endouvers. #NASA#Ekbatan#Iran#SpaceX#Lockheed#Martin#Space#Program#WhiteHouse#America#USA#Poud#Toman#Rial I rather mind control monkeys on space voyages than sending human in very unfriendly environments.

Facebook post i initially communicated it from

I understand backing of Private enterprise and corporation motivated by tourism and return is productive and gives us the boost we need to get there but we need to publish new currency upon success to motivate large scale project like mining, construction, and such other cases. I have classified knowledge I can give you so you will only use robots to colonize and build on mars on industrial scale. There 1940 1930 robots which built Iran years ago we just need to translate them to gravity of mars #MakanAbazari#WhiteHouse#Iran#Mars#Moon#Space#Program#Robotics#Robot#Manhattan#Metropolitan#Road#Rails#Highways#Corridors#Tunnel#Technos#Tehran#Natanz#Pentapolise#Nexus#Earth Natanz #Nevada #Nexus #Area51

Where I wrote it for backdoor communication