Teaching Islam by Science


My Post (45)

We see West Africa have had a period of terror attacks and conflicts in recent years. These events started by Rise of Bukuharam in Nigeria as a mean of engineering a buggy man to use when needed. Around same period of time we had Mali terror attacks in 2013. I remember then I was watching CNN and there was Israeli speaker on TV. He said “These Muslims bring insecurity wherever they go”. I remember mind control changed the the Israeli individual to appear as very hatful to Muslim. Maybe it was a code for me to remember. This event lead to deployment of USA soldiers to West Africa, Mali, Chad, and several other countries in the region. It also lead to deployment of French troops and UN troops to Mali. But who sends the terrorists?

I have studied video of every terrorist group on TV. You look at the pattern of their eyes you see they are all mind controlled. Every single video I have seen, concerning terrorists, is of mind controlled people. There is pattern and sequence of behavior that shows that.

Who is mind controlling them and who benefiting from it? That is mind control but which type of mind control is that? Because there is super computers. There are pirates. There are experts on abstract thoughts, there are others who send waves with live TV program to audience for mass psychology so the information means a certain thing to masses of people, and classified.

Anyway, there is a pattern of happenings and national events. That happens on certain dates and situations. Events fall on colanders and bring about order and symphony of happenings. It happens due to precise calculations and mass mind control. Example, sport events always end as such and then it leads to such and such. We had that for Bush, then Clinton, (Obama, and there was Clinton in waiting. We broke that master plot for hope of liberation and we got Trump.

We broke the cycle by Trump Presidency. After each president comes to office there is a big event.

President Bush engineered 2009 financial collapse and it was to limit extensive access to capital to the world. High availability of credit and capital was leading to too much growth in other countries. USA used it to limit growth so it would slow down world economy. The event happened at time of Obama and it was already planned at the time of Bush.

8 years earlier we watched September 11 when Twin Towers were brought down by Muslim Kamaze. (September 11 2001) It directly destroyed many important old documents of ownership and property rights around the globe. 5th wing of Pentagon was also destroyed where many material concerning mind control was forever erased from the records. Those material should have been declassified by now.

It lead to invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. In Iraq one of most prosperous nations in the region with highest standard of living for its people was destroyed. America also committed Genocide of Shia Muslims in South of Iraq. (Let us bring them to America and give them New Jersey and weapons to defend themselves in preemptive strike)

Where is Trump era incident? Will that be economy or Terror? We must watch and see. It is already late due. Uncle Sam: Can it be tariff on steel and aluminum? Makan: It doesn’t have such a feel to it. Uncle Sam: We don’t know.

Makan: Maybe there is not going to be another one since we broke the cycle.

Anyway, the Terror attack in Sub Sahara and West Africa has given legitimacy to USA soldiers to be present in region conducting military attacks. Many of which are weaponized against economic difficult endeavors of people into prosperity. A prosperity USA bombs to blood and death. Those killed where those who on their own developed their lands to have a prosperous life independent from global economic system. We have such evidence in Yemen and we have countless such attacks in Sub-Saharan countries.

Yes, US military is there to destroy any remnant of development and prosperity built by population. The spontaneous human soul can build. But Mind Control does not like that. They want to micro manage every detail of life of every citizen of the world. Minddd Control haaasss USA militttaaaryyy as attack dogs. They are being deployed globally to over 100 countries and bomb locations that government and local official will never know about. The president of that country is in office and no one is going to tell them in such remote place these people killed were not terrorists. Practically USA hunts and kills people in villages and locations around the world. We have less than 50 k soldier in Afghanistan and we have some in Iraq and Syria which is less than 100 thousand in all of Middle East. Where are rest of them and whom are these two million strong USA army is killing?

Now we also know America mind controls the world. Everyone who knows knows. There are some remote bases all around the world. But those are nothing to number of assets we need to mind control 7 billion soul less.

They mind control the terrorists and they use terror attacks to tarnish image of Islam. Tarnishing Image of Islam in return translates into containing of Muslim expansion. Because America does not want Islam to expand beyond North Africa into West and East Africa. As they don’t want it to expand in South East Asia and Europe. (Hint: Muslims have already died in Europe due to genocide by Serbs and Hitler. They were also killed during American Civil war and World War 2 in America. )

We also witnessed Myanmar Genocide that killed more than million and they still say 700000 people were displaced. IS that that? All of that? So where are the rest of that? Last time we checked there were ten million Muslims in Myanmar. So what happened to all of that? I bet burying grounds is filled by smell of death and decay due to mass graves.

Now Syria is Israeli own monument of victorious genocide but we don’t want to talk about how we captured Israeli commandos thinking they are ISIS. Also we captured massive number of Israeli Special Forces disguising as ISIS in border of Lebanon and Syria. Lots of other stuff. Did Netanyahu, during AIPAC summit, talk about Israel achievements under his Majesty, Netanyahu, and leadership? No. Did Netanyahu tell you he has rebels in Syria and tells them to shell Golan Heights and then Israel goes and bomb Syrian people in retaliation? He should have told you that.

We get to Master Piece of the Trio. Saudi Arabia, Britain, and USA. 1 million people died in Yemen since summer due to disease and famine alone. They still say 10000 casualty. We had them on black list of UN due to killing children. It was said the Killing totaled at 10000 Children as of 2016 (go higher). That 10000 Children is not taking to account death due to effect of war which has expanded logarithmically over time as situation has been becoming more and more severe. Millions is shy of it is true extend.

Is there more to come?

America in Yemen. We have all the communication US military made with Saudis. The evidence shows America gave Saudis Intelligence to bomb Civil Infrastructures. Sending Saudi to bomb water purifications, fuel storage, bridges, and markets, fishing boats and every mean of daily life for Yemeni Citizens.

That is not only that. It was not limited to Houthis. Everyone was targeted across Yemen for no reason but being Muslims due to wrong intelligence given to Saudis by USA. America was telling Saudis it is terrorist cell or it is a Military site. So Saudi would go and bomb it. Doing same thing CIA did with drone strike against people of Yemen for years. CIA alone committed extensive number of drone strikes. Every time they broadcasted a video of drone footage it was cubic on sand but then video of location became available and it was mansion factory, shop, water treatment facility, or food processing center. Killing prosperity and development. Killing house of hard working and prosperous Yemeni People. Why their development is striking such hate in the hearts of Americans and CIA? What is the mission of CIA?

The terrorists are mind controlled by America (Mind control bases are located in America so it is America) and they are tarnishing image of Islam to contain growth and expansion of Islam. I was a Mind Controlled Muslim (white washed0) and I was preaching sweet Islam and I was also doing science. Bringing God and Religion together showing them they are not at odds. There are good mind controls also but mind controlled to think you are a prophet? I showed God and Science can exist together without one rejecting other. Well as long as you are Muslim. And I am better scientist than all of you. What do you want? DO you like genetically engineered Algae to synthesis Silicon Nano and Micro Material? Then add some pores and surface modifications.

Fill it with paramagnetic and super paramagnetic nano material. Use waves to charge the paramagnetic particles orientation in space due to magnetic field causing it to turn around or contract nano robotic arm you have installed on it. (There is layers of different nano particle and precise radiation of magnetic and lasers that need to be taken into consideration.) In future you can have nano electronics effected with theta hertz waves to compute so they can correct their movement in a margin based on signal intelligence you are sending them. But signal intelligence should be gathered from surrounding of bio organism. So they compute and correct their movement in relation to task and effect of movement of fluids in the body. Now without future. You can send those waves that contract robotic arm, causes a change in the path, and even move them to another direction by waves. Now if you put these waves in a computer so the computer precisely radiates them in a pattern, orientation, and most importantly according a sequence of such waves you can have them take on series of tasks as nano robots inside a body or even in industrial setting. That is 1500 Tomani (Iranian Money) which is as valuable as spaceship discovery but hold on they manipulated Iranian money so it is 1/3 of a dollar. (1500 tomani traded as 3 ta 100 tomani?) هزار و بونصد تومنى ميبرى جاى سه تا صد تومنى؟ And I already did parts of that in Harvard but did not publish it since Mind Control said classified tech. The Nano Robot also turns 45 degree if you used Magnetic field of XY. Then goes 1 nm forward if the field moves by Xu. Then you can have a software that sequences the lasers, waves, and magnetic fields to program series of commands and have nano robots carve on the heart of these mind controllers the hater hates Muslims. Nano Particles moves and change orientation based on waves and its arms contract and move based on the sequence of waves to achieve series of states leading to a nano particle carving on your heart love for Humanity and God. (Mind Control: Makan distinguishes Netanyahu from Jewish people. He is full of love.) . It will be nano sized robot carving there for these who hate Muslims. Then I will make another software and send my robot to kill cancer cells. Here go get PhDs and get your professorships working on these.

So you see they targeted me also by worst of mind control because I was converting people to Islam in large numbers. They could not see that conversion to Islam and thus have been harming my efforts for years. (Mind Control: we cannot have a Muslim solve problem of God and Science for Christians.) By the way mention me if you used it and feel free to develop my nano robots. I can make you the remote control too. Here it is a gift from a Muslim who tried to fix problem of God and Science. But they did not want a Muslim for solving problem of God and Science. But they still come and beg me for technologies.

Uncle Sam: Now where is that every 8 years shock we were talking about? Will be Economic Collapse or Terror Attacks this time?

Uncle Sam Minion 2: I suspect Trump he is worst shock than Financial Collapse and September 11 combined.

Makan: Well maybe he did not sign under your plot. Because we changed the President from President Clinton to Trump. But he became a dagger in our back.

Uncle Sam Minion 1: I am getting jittery about the tariff

I assume because Clinton was anointed by of Mind control. Since we made Trump President of USA (Mind Control: Our Branch of mind control did not make that Trump President. we hate that Trump, Makan, and his Iranian friends. Makan was responsible for that Trump) Come on man we were Americans, British, Scottish, and one Iranian that made Trump the President. Well, we used Republicans after Makan unified them and got Zionists after Makan gave the Ok on that. SO that is that story and Russian influence less. Back then he Makan did not have a twitter. Only had one messy Facebook Page.

Criers Intellectual Properties

Mind Control;

This Nano Tech is 100k scientific articles not written yet and several people will become professor doing this Now Thank Makan Abazari for it.

Now here comes the Hater: ‘I just want to steal and don’t even tell it was Makan Abazari who told us about it. I ate so many of his work and have become addicted to stealing from him. Who told him to start the blogs because when it was on Facebook I could steal more of these?’

Mind Control: ‘so 20 years from now we will say an American man called ‘Iran Makan’ did all of 21st century scientific discoveries.’

Makan: But my name is Makan Abazari and I am the One Iranian who made Trump President as you mentioned.

Mind Control: He is also American).

Criers Intellectual Properties

Makan Abazari


https://slate.adobe.com/page-embed.jsAmerican Achievements missing from Records

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