NAFTA and stock market

In case of NAFTA talks between USA and Canada we cannot allow the talks to be held in America. Only Canada can host bilateral talks. It must be held in Canada and any trade deal made, agreed upon, or planned in White House is void and will be obstructed for months and years. It will become one of those things which will never be resolved. Any talk must be held in absolute safety and in Canada where Canada mind controls its guys and America mind control its guys, Trump. If it is held in America then America will be mind controlling both teams and producing ineligible trade agreement. It is especially the case in era of lawlessness in mind control spheres and in the world no one respecting barriers and privileges. Come on whole USA population of businessmen and Traders were on Machine Mass Mind Control to not notice how Trump shot USA economy with a mortal blow. Then America made trade deals with Mexico in such circumstances. You cannot come to white house for trade deals. Only in Canada since we need securities.
Team 2: we are regretting the losing of NAFTA as we spent decades to write NAFTA and Trump is acting like pirate and stealing and burning all control mechanisms of balance and security. We need to pull the plug on all trade deals and sanctions if it is to continue as such by Trump.
Makan:”Trump is staying in charge. I am not sending him to camp David nor New Jerseys.”
Classified: “I did not ask for that.”
Classified 2 over watch: ”I told him to be careful about such plot and make sure you order keeping of Trump in charge.”
Makan Abazari:” Yes yes yes, I am keeping Trump in charge because I trust Mike Pence less.”
#NAFTA #White #House #Canada America can not hold Trade Talks

There is the mass mind control over stock market to constantly grow and to hide real effects of tearing up NAFTA agreement. There should have been massive sell off and massive shifts in stock values. Trump just pulled out of a trade deal which makes majority of America’s supply chain of industrial products meaning supplies, intermediate products, and economic cycle in America just got shot in the head and stock market is on Nazi Machine Mass mind control to ignore the effect. We have seen it when Bush went into wars and we saw it at the time of Hitler. #NAFTA #Canada #Mexico #Supply #Chain #NYSE #Nasdaq

There is the mass mind control over stock market to constantly grow and to hide real effects of tearing up NAFTA agreement. There should have been massive sell off and massive shifts in stock values. Trump just pulled out of a trade deal which makes majority of America’s supply chain of industrial products meaning supplies, intermediate products, and economic cycle in America just got shot in the head and stock market is on Nazi Machine Mass mind control to ignore the effect. We have seen it when Bush went into wars and we saw it at the time of Hitler.

American economy is on steroids. Meaning mind control is used to boost the American economy. Value of dollar is a total bubble and is way too overpriced and treasury has been using it in weaponized manner. Using worthless dollar to devalue currency of other nations and thus make it difficult to take part in global economic operations. Since many produce wealth by selling locally and buy parts from foreign producers. This is meant to kill globalization. For example I am producing G and G needs A, B, C to be produced I used to buy them for 5 but now I have to pay 7 and my G still sells only for 7 and its price has not gone up. I either have to increase the price or close down. If I increase the price Chinese will take control of market by cheaper product. My part the part G was used in Part H and H is used in an industry in Finland to produce U and in America to Produce U2. Now both of these guy will experience interruption in market or increase in Prices. It will cause disturbances in supply chain and global supply chains systems since there will be so many of these happening at the same time shifting producers and markets leading to closing down of many industries and manufacturers in America and all across the world. Then the supply chains break and producers will have to look for local market, local suppliers, and local markets to sell and buy thus making globalization shrinking by great degree into fascism (We call nationalist capitalist protectionist fascist) Then if a country like china needs to build something will build it locally and will be independent from all other countries. And if War happens there are million tanks to be built and sent to battle field all built with Chinese parts. This why we don’t want this for America, Europe or China. So we have globalization in place and we are defend it all costs. Now stock Markets you all shall go down. Uncle Sam:” But we don’t have a coin!’ Makan Abazari: “Here a Penny it costs as much as 100 richest people on the earth. It is symbol of those peoples.” “Now all stock markets shall go down”
By the way we have to new Currencies used as petro currencies and dollar should be falling. Iran Central Bank by backing of Iranian Royal wealth have backed up Yuan and Euro for Petrol Currency and Trade Currency and they shall become bigger. Dollar must have become much cheaper instead of going up. It is because mind control pumped the dollar some air. Now Dollar itself is a bursting bubble. Now we have lots of currency. Uncle Sam:” I thought only coins are allowed.” Makan:”Come on uncle sam I issued Keyhan currency for whoever build a space station or colony in space and it was not a coin it was crypto space currency.” #NYSE #Nasdaq

American economy is on steroids. Meaning mind control is used to boost the American economy. Value of dollar is a total bubble and is way too overpriced and treasury has been using it in weaponized manner. Using worthless dollar to devalue currency of other nations and thus make it difficult to take part in global economic operations. Since many produce wealth by selling locally and buy parts from foreign producers. This is meant to kill globalization. For example I am producing G and G needs A, B, C to be produced I used to buy them for 5 but now I have to pay 7 and my G still sells only for 7 and its price has not gone up. I either have to increase the price or close down. If I increase the price Chinese will take control of market by cheaper product. My part the part G was used in Part H and H is used in an industry in Finland to produce U and in America to Produce U2. Now both of these guy will experience interruption in market or increase in Prices. It will cause disturbances in supply chain and global supply chains systems since there will be so many of these happening at the same time shifting producers and markets leading to closing down of many industries and manufacturers in America and all across the world. Then the supply chains break and producers will have to look for local market, local suppliers, and local markets to sell and buy thus making globalization shrinking by great degree into fascism (We call nationalist capitalist protectionist fascist) Then if a country like china needs to build something will build it locally and will be independent from all other countries. And if War happens there are million tanks to be built and sent to battle field all built with Chinese parts. This why we don’t want this for America, Europe or China. So we have globalization in place and we are defend it all costs. Now stock Markets you all shall go down. Uncle Sam:” But we don’t have a coin!’ Makan Abazari: “Here a Penny it costs as much as 100 richest people on the earth. It is symbol of those peoples.” “Now all stock markets shall go down”
By the way we have to new Currencies used as petro currencies and dollar should be falling. Iran Central Bank by backing of Iranian Royal wealth have backed up Yuan and Euro for Petrol Currency and Trade Currency and they shall become bigger. Dollar must have become much cheaper instead of going up. It is because mind control pumped the dollar some air. Now Dollar itself is a bursting bubble. Now we have lots of currency. Uncle Sam:” I thought only coins are allowed.” Makan:”Come on uncle sam I issued Keyhan currency for whoever build a space station or colony in space and it was not a coin it was crypto space currency.” #NYSE #Nasdaq

Makan Abazari: “You cannot change NAFTA I told you you cant make trade deal. Not only you cannot make new trade deals but we need to also put another ocean between America and its supply chain system. By the way we have report United States of America has brought back Nazi mass mind control. Whole populations in America, Mexico, and Canada who can influence events are under machine mass mind control. We have been waiting for you for 70 years to defeat you. (Bush ran it too so world agreed to invade Iraq but this time another reason. ) Now you need to stop the mass mind control machine and let everyone free and return it to normal or I will use my privileges to force you to stop your America Nazi mind control of masses. I have weather codes for such times. #NAFTA #FAscism #Mind #Control

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