Haddad must become President for Future of Brazil

I support Haddad for President of Brazil. Bolsonaro desire to privatize nationally owned assets is extremely dangerous for countries like Brazil. See Brazil nationally owned sectors corporations and sectors are very important to balance of power and capability of Brazil to act as Nation at times of hardship. Countries which have nation wealth and industries are capable to develop themselves and advance even at times of extreme hardship. The government has more option to respond to difficulties and survive the rainy days. Because country can use these sectors to generate wealth and invest these wealth into nationally owned infrastructure development companies. Thus using national wealth to expand the nation’s capability to survive and thrive in the hardest times. Brazil has no favor to expect from Mind Control. Mind Control is an American business which will continue actively sabotaging Brazil. Thus if we privatize National wealth of the Brazil under Bolsonaro we will only experience failiur or mal function by these corporation. Because once privatized it is tot al control of mind control. Before privatization there rules and regulations which force the corporation to world under specific set of rules designed to protect the nationally owned corporation. These are protective measures developed over decades for security of Brazilian people and Brazilian interests. If Bolsonaro wins Embraer will be privatized and lost into ownership of Boeing. If Bolosnaro wins last of wealth of Brazil remaining will be forever lost even oil and National resources. These need protections and I am here to protect and I need support of all of you. Haddad is a good candidates and he will be successful since we will have reforms under him to improve the economy and condition. But it will not only be to the benefit of powerful and corporations. Since Haddad will be the president who will make sure workers and labours are protected and their side of argument is also protected and watched for in the process. We need Haddad if we are to allow reforms to go forward. Since again Haddad belongs to Workers Party and he will be protecting the poor and the workers in process of reform and overhaul. This we shall try our best to do. Now another thing is Socialism needs strong and powerful nationally owned sectors and industries. Tax collected from people is not enough to pay for expanses and protections of everyone. It is national owned sectors who engage in business, development, manufacturing, and lucrative business who strengthen Brazilian fundamentals and economy while providing security and help for underprivileged sections of Brazilian population. This is reason why we need Haddad as President of Brazil. Bolsonaro will only sell out our nationally owned industries and surrender our country to private ownership and to power of mind control. Then if Bolsonaro win Brazil will be another country lost to American capitalism taking total control over people, governments, and properties. We have to stop Bolsonaro.


Bolsonaro not taking part in debates has hidden away his weaknesses and ugly side. He is simply dodged the final debate which he was capable of joining based on intelligence. Why he did not join? Because he knew he will fail utterly and lose support. Also deep state stabbed him to gather support for him. Deep state is smart they stab people and you feel bad for victim. And you vote for him due to sympathy. It is exactly why they stab their own assets. because they wanted your sympathy for a far right candidate who is bring fascist sentiment in diverse country of #Brazil.


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