Italian Economics and Industrial path (Brazil and others can also Learn) Important

Italy Economic Project

The following is for Italy but we need it also for Brazil, Iran, Turkey, Russia, and Britain.

I need formation of nationally owned Italian Construction Company. This Nationally owned company must have free access to mines for building construction material and it has to build factories to produce construction material. The construction of supporting industries can be achieved down the road as part of long term strategy. If we want to make it more perfect we have to have nationally owned institution which also directly is involved in production of Machinery, Truck, bulldozers, and Train Wagon and adding them these industries to the list of nationally owned corporation portfolio. It is if Italy is going with development economy. If Italy goes with debt and credit based economy then Italy needs to build a financial capital in Southern Italy and have nationally owned banks give credit and produce revenue based on interest on the debt. It is important to have at least one of these two. One of which is almost free development and infrastructure expansion or producing revenue by playing the role of Private Banks. We rather going with manufacturing economy.
Why Italy does needs nationally owned Construction and infrastructure Development Company? Because we want to use it to repair crumbling infrastructure of Southern Italy, produce machinery for factories, and increase the industrial capability of government itself. Thus developing Industrial supply chain spanning Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Spain, and Greece to slowly take over some of Chinese share of global economy. It is according Economic System we said we need when we helped 5 Star Movement get the highest votes in Election. Popularism for Radical and Fundamental changes to benefit the humanity and solve condition and popularism is not for fetish with anti-Immigrant Crisis. This company will slowly become stronger and will be producing all the material, machinery, equipment, and products it may need itself. Also since it is involved in Residential construction it will produce revenue. This company will also build factories with one eye on sustainability and thus will have factories producing industrial supplies under Italian government ownership. I told you I am Prince of Persian (Makan Abazari The King of Kings) here to build Rome. It is how you build modern Rome. But important point here is sustainability. Italy can sustain such growth simply by integration into North Africa and Middle East. Italy will also have the capability to pay its National Debt. We want to build Trans Mediterranean Industrial Supply Chain.
Italy and Iran as friends? Let us not fight like Rome and Persia. But I still have to fight America taking the role of Rome in Syria. But Italy and Iran as friends.
Makan Abazari the King of Kings: “I am here to build Rome and I will be with Mediterranean Economic Zone from Iran. I live in USA at this point of history in 2018.”







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