Syria Peace Talks Star Star Star

This is your invitation to talks on Syria and Assad must control all of Syria. We suggest you withdraw and surrender or see Pacific and Atlantic fronts lost. I need my Bahrain the Pacific and Atlantic. Surrender and leave Syria to Iran and Assad. I have full force of Earth behind my efforts and my orders break down world order barriers. Makan Abazari The King of Kings.
Since America, mind control and deep state have not budged since previous posts and still continue with their project of dividing syria I decided to hit them with double Royal Slap. We are working on eviction of USA Troops from Pacific Sea and South Korea and formation of Iran-China-Russia military alliance and treaty. This will be warning shot. Mother fucker it is balance of power and world order talking to you. Now have this Royal Slap and your face is going to go from left to right then I slap you again on the other chick and it goes back in place. Then I pull your eyes out and pull my own eye in. I can also show you force in west point and white house. But Trump is in White House and on top of his job for two months. No mother fucker gets to send Trump to camp David or anywhere else. If Trump is in camp David at any point until end of 2018 you go and kill whoever is deciding instead of Trump. Trump stays in white house and it is emergency situation. #Syria #Iran #Russia #China #USA #Syrian #Talk It is for start of negotiations. Also France, Germany, Turkey, Russia talks are void and decisions made are irrelevant and are not considered. Iran must be there until they have a chance to be considered.

Makan (Iran) : “I need Pennsylvania in addition to Manhattan and New Jersey for Idlib and Raqqa. Assuming America is continuing to push against Assad and seeks to have zones of control. Then I need my Pennsylvania back as it used to be so Manhattan and New Jersey will be back in our control as well. ” #Pensylvania #Manhattan #NewJeresey #Raqqa #Idlib #Syria #Iran #Idlib #Raqqa
Germany and Japan are under military occupation for 70 years or so. Is America ever going to withdraw from these regions? Is America going to ever withdraw from middle east? America did not even win a war. With excuse of helping Iraq against ISIS inserted itself into Syria after Iran defeated ISIS. America came with wrecking crew and wrecked Raqa with carpet bomb like operation. America flattened Raqqa and now occupying Syria. What is that mother fucker? Did you think people don’t see how nonsense America’s excuse to be in Syria is? I think America needs to withdraw from far east and move out of Germany. Make a base in France and cancel the base in Poland. By the way if you are going to base in Poland then you are closing base in Germany.

China: “I need Cuba+Purto Rico for Japan and I want South Miami and we make North Miami a Nuclear State.” Russia : “We get California Republic and Alaska for Europe and Turkey.” Iran: “I get Pennsylvania and New Jersey + Manhattan for Raqqa and Idlib. but I get California Republic for Afghanistan and Turkey.”

Uncle Rose (Couple of Dynasty before Uncle Khumeini): “I have heard you cannot still recycle Nuclear for our Trillium Reactor on Statue of liberty and replaced our Beacon with Piece of Gold.”
Uncle Susa and Uncle Rose (Red Sea and Iran) the problem with colonization was we advanced and educated locals in these nations and then they wanted independence and rebelled in America. America does it its own way America occupies by military and mind control and destroys and never risks the strong state in terretory it controls. But us (Iran and Red Sea) we wanted to develop and advance host nations. But the host became a monster we see today. USA

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