Political Dynamics of Rise of Fascists and Brazilian Election. We must help Haddad.


Brasil Political Dynamic


Inner working of Politics from lens of mind control, the global effect.
Brazil is very important for world dynamic and balance of Power. We have Far Right rising in Europe and causing shift in political dynamic of Europe and almost all of earth. It is triggering more far right parties and more neo nazi groups get support across Europe and elsewhere in the earth. They are one of the reasons Bolsonaro has support in Brazil… It works within mass mind control dynamic which enforces more far right and populist governments taking power globally and it needs to be contained. The scary factor here is Brazil further enforcing it. Brazil is very important and if Bolsonaro wins it will act as self-enforcement mechanism giving more victory to far right in Europe and South America. Again victory of far right in Europe has emboldened far right else where such as Brazil. Now Bolsonaro is ahead in the election polls and if he wins it will enforce the far right victory and bring about more far rights in Europe. It could cause the cycle to become uncontrollable and thus control mechanisms break and world becomes filled up with people like Trump and Bolsonaro in position of leadership. #Brazil I support #Haddad for President of Brazil #Brasil #Brasilia #Election #Rio #South #America #Presidential #Election #Bolsonaro #Neo #Nazi #Far #Right #Balance of #Power


One thought on “Political Dynamics of Rise of Fascists and Brazilian Election. We must help Haddad.

  1. By the way there is also hardware back doors on Voting Machines in Brazil which are used AGAINST Haddad in Primary. I know the case as I also see barrages of fake news against Haddad in Social Media and What’s app. See they are same Mafia against Haddad those who use backdoors and those who use social Media warfare by mass mind controlling masses and using Social Media effects. When the Social Media is supporting a candidate , like Bolsonaro, as such on social media then you know they have hackers backdoor for the voting machines also. Haddad must win the election. I don’t care if his name says ddd or says sss. The only authority here is me and Haddad must win and I have changed his Name to Haggig or Hassis or which ever makes him victorious.


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