Trump Triumpth, Addington Winthrop, Boston, Boos Town, Booston, Crown, Honey, Wellesley, and Clinton

Trump was also our Triumpth to win against the genocidal System which killed population of our planet by draught and mind control warfare and we won to establish good and harmonious world where security and economics is inclusive of all. We brought down their choice from my Honey Town ,Wellesley College, the Clinton (The Killing Town). It was their choice for I had far better protuges than her in my College. We won the Thropy with bloodless conquest Winthrop and we defeated old mind control getting to addington. But the deep state came and sabatoged everything and even sanctioned Iran, I did not get even one kiss, and Russians were also sanctioned for no reason. They did not even stop genocide in Yemen. So what do we do about USA? You yourself answer for we are not letting this to go to waste. This was our Triumpth. We are fixing this earth and I am Makan Abazari the King.

So as I said my Crown is on Jewlery store in Welesley next to Welesley College where I have lots of Honey. My Crown is on Tagh Boostan, Boostan means Forest and Flowers, and and Boostan means Boston where I leave, and Boston is place I must have made million kiss for Boos (Kiss) Town is Boston but I did not get even one girl friend. Massachusetts has cheated everyone. So who wants to solve this because it will never cease. There is also Yin and Yang and the Young Empire of the Earth the USA shall fall for Young King Makan did not enjoy my life while still young. Time is short and your USA will fall at dusk of my Youth. I also need the boss of their mind control base for torture of thoousand years for obstructing my kisses.

So as I said my Crown is on Jewlery store in Welesley next to Welesley College where I have lots of Honey. My Crown is on Tagh Boostan, Boostan means Forest and Flowers, and and Boostan means Boston where I leave, and Boston is place I must have made million kiss for Boos (Kiss) Town is Boston but I did not get even one girl friend. Massachusetts has cheated everyone. So who wants to solve this because it will never cease. There is also Yin and Yang and the Young Empire of the Earth the USA shall fall for Young King Makan did not enjoy my life while still young. Time is short and your USA will fall at dusk of my Youth. I also need the boss of their mind control base for torture of thoousand years for obstructing my kisses.

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