Economics Nixon Era

Nixon ended Manufacturing economy and replaced it with Credit based economy in which value of dollar was no longer constant and thus wealth no longer had any reliable backing. For example, there used to be gold as backing of currency and currencies had constant value but by dollar starting to change value it became no longer reliable backer for currency. It led to America using the manipulation of currencies to wipe out heritages of nations such as India, later Iran, Africa, Ethiopia, and even other currencies. So many nations have lost their substantial amount of wealth over very short period of time due to pure synthetic manipulation of currencies and wealth. It is economic war 101 and is only waged by America by substantial grip over system which controls the value of currencies. Another effect of the Nixon policy was changing Manufacturing based economy into credit based economy where you could use credit as measure and mean of growth. It was used to grow economies in one part. But in another part manufacturing did not matter anymore as much as economy was no longer assembly lines and productions producing wealth. In America it had certain effects but it also decimated industrial System of Iran and Red Sea region. It was a great reset since it no longer reliant on manufacturing to be productive and growing and you just needed credit and number.
It destroyed many industrial works as the money used to purchase their products was also weakened. It wiped out industrial nations and large markers with big purchasing power and reduced it to Europe, Japan, and America. The currencies undervalued and manufacturers lacked the customers to purchase.
The currency, credit, and money are as limiter on growth. They are not lending to cause the growth rather they have engineered the currency and credit to make sure there is a cap and limit on the growth and development. Money limits the growth and does not increase it. We can build a fully prosperous earth in all corners of the earth but there is designs and policy issues which prevents such actions from taking place. Then there are insecurities like rebels and sanction some regions of the world. Thus for we have economic problem in USA because America produces problems for others. For example, we need an economy of tech, industries, supply chain, and manufacturing in Middle East but America has troops, the ISIS keeps on coming back under mind control effects, and then there are constant political issues. Then America comes and sanctions in Iran. Iran is central cog of global economy and without Iran world economy shall malfunction. See we need Middle East economy and politics to be fixed and launch our great projects to improve rest of earth but there is multiple synthetically enforced road blocks.
By Makan Abazari

Economics Now

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