Venezuela and Global Economic Order

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We are not overthrowing Venezuela and Europe must support Maduro if they want survival of European Union and continuation of Government in France, Britain, and Germany.
We must rewrite Economic World Order rules and under privileged Nations such as Iran, Middle East, and Africa must have a great share of global economy. Countries involved in Balance of power such as Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen, Russia, and Cuba must have financial and economic privileges to thrive and prosper on global stage. Balance of power must be protected and when balance of power falls due to America’s age old strategies and more recent advances we all will die to USA geopolitical mass mind control AI which is only waiting for the chance to kill majority of life on earth. It would not be its first time. There must also be new world economic order and money held by few be used as investment in Middle East, Red Sea, and other regions creating larger world economy with more countries involved in lucrative economic activities. We have capability to have every member of human family to prosper and be wealthy. We can employ all of human population. We can have all of human family to live in Wealth and relative comfort. It is America’s geopolitical AI which annihilates and prevents in preemptive genocides. We can have castles and most beautiful houses in every corner of earth we can have work for every human being with highest wages. We can have economic giants in every country. We can build 1000 metropolitans in the world. We can have prosperous towns everywhere. We can eradicate hunger and poverty in 6 month all over the earth. But we don’t want 100 industrialized nations and destroy the nature and earth. We want harmonized and prosperous global economy where everyone prospers. Including Iran as economic superpower. To have everyone prosper we need lucrative industries for these countries around the earth with security and protection similar to European and American economic activities. #Davos #World #Economy #Venezuela

In Venezuela we need China, Russia, or Iran start industrial scale farming and turn Venezuela into a major food producer on the international scene. It will be also very helpful to China, Iran, and Russia food security. Not only Venezuela has the potential to feed its own population but also has capability to serve as global food basket. There is also capability to produce high value cheese and other expensive food in Venezuela. There is also steel and Aluminum abundance in Venezuela which can serve as foundation for industrialization and having strategic sectors. The important point is Russia, China, and Iran must be on top of economic operations as advisors and operators to ensure success of these works in Venezuela. Because if you leave them unattended Venezuela lacks expertise and economic security to keep them functioning. Also oil wells in Venezuela need maintenance which can be done easily if a global major actor such as China, Russia, and Iran stay on top of repairing them and increasing their outputs. Basic things such as Chemicals, parts, and some financing will increase Venezuela output. We also invite King of Spain to form relations with Maduro and start some high tech industries in Venezuela as equal partners. Europe must also remember Venezuela is very critical to security of Europe. Venezuela must not be overthrown and must be protected by all means. I strongly suggest European Union to oppose the opposition leader declaring himself interim president. Europe might appear as giants like Britain, France, and Germany but reality is these countries are resource less and weak nations. We like Europe and are working toward independence of Europe from America. But if Europe support opposition leader in Venezuela or support sanctions on Venezuela then it means Europe is acting against world order and balance of power. Act against balance of power and world order will translate to lack of security for Europe itself as it is world order which makes Germany, Britain, and France appearing as superpower. We can replace Britain, France, and Germany with Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa in five years and send Europe into little ice age or just have them malfunctioning. We strongly suggest all nations to support Maduro for Maduro is balance of power. #Venezuela #Europe #Maduro #Russia #China #Iran #Chizar
We have second amendment rights in United States of America to give ourselves liberty and freedom when our government fails to provide us freedom, liberty, and pursuit of Happiness. We have closed United States government so we may have a wall against mind control but government shows no sign of taking any action toward even discussing wall against mind control. We need wall and protection against mind control in United States of America. The population in USA are mass mind controlled and tortured by government of U.S.A. President of USA is also mind controlled by USA government. We have second amendment to constitution of United States of America to take action when there is no mean of having liberty and freedom which is our eternal right according to constitution. A constitutional judge would have suggested use of Fifth Amendment of constitution of USA and changing bill of right forever. I have ninth amendment of constitution right to initiate such events. Makan Abazari The King Of Kings

Maduro must not be overthrown. I reject overthrow of Maduro by all means and am already planning to force withdrawal of USA troops from Europe and South Korea. Maduro must not be overthrown as he is the only foot hold for Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Russia on Western Hemisphere. If Venezuela be overthrown or falls then there will be severe consequences globally and there shall be total break down of European Union and division of EU. Sorry sometimes I take my friends hostage. #Venezuela
We are concurrently working on overthrow of France, Independence of Scotland, Overthrow of Germany, publication of new currency for Italy, Independence of Michigan, Independence Of California, Independence of Massachusetts, Independence of Pennsylvania, and Independence of Kentucky due to America’s attempt to overthrow Maduro in Venezuela. #Venezuela
We don’t want that yes man mike Pence in Office. Whatever you give him he will sign as long as you give him a Banana afterward. But when you get to me, Makan Abazari, I reject 99 overthrows out of 100 requests for overthrows. When you get to me as long as I get correct information everything is done correctly. Trump is also a problem but purpose of Trump was to improve ties between Russia, Iran, and USA since I had conquered the whole earth. I was hoping with Trump we fix the issue. But we rather had none relenting deep state of USA constantly targeting Russia for election meddling. What Russian election meddling? I made Trump President of USA and he was not my first project. Trump himself was later prisoned in mind control conditions blocked from important tasks. The confrontation of USA must not be directed at Trump but must be directed against USA and its policies enforced by mind controls. America lacks a government to push for its geopolitical interest but the American geopolitical interests is Enforced on other nations by mind control. This is why our global stance on multilateralism must be against USA and not against Trump. The global movement to confront USA was not an anti Trump movement but it was anti USA movement when Trump Presidency failed to produce result. America has no choice in elections and it is either previously decided presidents or replacements. We must confront America in geopolitics and in world orders. We must also Germany, Britain, France, and EU are also like lose canons which can be weaponized at any moment against other nations since American geopolitical interests is deeply rooted in Racial Factors. They manifest their geopolitical interests by mind controlling Europe again and again. This is why we need absolute majority for European Union when it comes to geopolitics and foreign policy of EU. #EU #USA

As long as America inflicts harm on population to cause anger against governments I will oppose overthrows. In the past USA needed to have military invasion of foreign nations to conquer and overthrow their governments. Later we added dictators and strong men to lead the governments of nations which have zero protection help from mind control. Strong men meant they will lead their country with power even if the mind control failed to provide the help government needed. See mind control does not help many countries and constantly sabotages their efforts. If we hold democracy in Iraq, Lebanon, or Libya everything can be lost over night. But in Europe and America mind control protects and helps people. This is why we don’t have democracy in many nations. It is reason why every overthrow, regime change, election, and important change in economic, government, policy, and international action needs my Approval. My name is Makan Abazari the King of Kings. I decide for every regime change, election, overthrow, and counter overthrow. Deep state of USA and people like Mike Pence has produced privileges for themselves to forgo my authority and intimate such attempts globally. We are telling you human family and fabric of global security and order will break apart if I am not deciding for every single one of these changes. I must be kept capable of governing them afterward and inheriting the victories. The mind control hijack of me is extremely dangerous as disobedience is also dangerous. I don’t support the regime changes which are brought about due to suffering inflicted on masses due to economic conditions or economic hardships. I simply oppose any overthrow attempt which have their foundation in suffering of masses similar to case of Venezuela and hunger enforced on the people by America mind controlling and sabotaging their governments. There are similar cases everywhere around the earth. America inflicts economic difficulties by sanctions, by mass mind control, by weather warfare, and by torture on populations of nations in order to cause dissatisfaction against their countries leadership. I don’t support overthrows which are dangerous to balance of power and may be leading to genocide if they are permitted. See America inflicts great suffering on people to bring about regime changes due to anger of the population. That era has passed and mind control is overriding and mass mind control Hijacking people to do globally. This is one of the last defenses of humanity and global security. If you are disobeying my order in such cases I must inform you there will be consequences.
#Italy Italy has been constantly sabotaged due to their populist views. I was supposed to over watch their government but mind control of Massachusetts have prevented it. America has also used substantial amount of weather warfare on Italy destroying many of their towns and forests. I tried to build an economic system across North Africa, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, and Iran revolving around ancient trade routes on Mediterranean Sea. But I was constantly sabotaged and prevented from taking part and promoting it. America has been aggressively harming economy of South European Nations causing financial difficulties. It has been to have the economic development limited to Northern Europe and USA. . At the same time America has been causing never ending Civil Wars in Libya. It in return have further turned The Mediterranean Sea trade system very weak. Remember this region will also benefit Bosnia and Balkan region but Croatia has coast which blocks majority of important Bosnian Cities from open Seas. There can be a system across Balkan, Turkey, Iran, Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon involving regional sea and land trade. There can be industrial integration, supply chains, and mutual developments. Now America says Iran must not have access to Mediterranean Sea I am already in Libya, Italy, and Spain. Add USA, Britain, France, and Germany.
#Sanction Someone pretending to be me has made United Nations to refuse any reconstruction aid to Syria until Assad is removed. Now I need you to kill that fake version of me. By the way We published Syrian pound with picture of Assad. Then I wrote new constitution for Syria and they repeatedly changed it when they presented it to Russians, Iranians, and Syrians. There is also issue of USA congress. I have already caged USA deep state banning it from sanctioning nations. I told you either you bring Iranian supporters to USA senate and congress or you will get stupid in USA senate and congress for another decade. I don’t see Iranian supporters in USA senate and congress. But I appreciate Muslim representatives which was sign of obedience. The issue we have is: “Are you big enough to lift sanctions? Are you big enough to pull back out of Colombia, border of Russia, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan to order more troops and occupations?” American Administration and congress lacks all such privileges and yet they add more to previously added such sanctions and military adventures. You stole my senate and congress. You stole the process and then you again added sanctions to sanctions on Syrian government. Now USA Senate and Congress are closed until you succeed in voting to lift all sanctions on Russia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Zimbabwe, and other actors. Once you grew big enough to lift sanctions you are allowed to vote again in U.S House of Representatives. Now about White House. If I see Mike Pence signs for military coups, Sanctions, or any such activities I will close down USA federal government all together. Now bring Trump out of Camp David and put him back in White House. Marine One, Cars, and all other such crafts are banned to Trump. You take genetic tests of Trump on daily basis and send it to FBI to make sure it is him. Now make sure he does not do anything crazy. Also about Trump Signature to overthrow Iran I must say. Overthrow Iran means overthrow deep state of USA. Now Obama, Bush, Clinton were not big enough to sign for overthrow of Iran. I don’t see what Trump saw in himself to sign for it. About Nuclear agreement between Iran and Five Nuclear Powers plus Germany. The sanctions must be lifted from United Nations itself. I signed the Nuclear deal and then you all signed after me. Did Mr Trump sign it? No it was me-makan-lateralism and I decided to give you rights similar to my own and it became Multilateralism. Then you cheated my Iran and all other nations and withdrew from Nuclear agreement. Now you lift sanctions on Iran from United Nations level itself. You add Iran as permanent member of United Nations Security Council and lift all sanctions on Iran. About USA senate and congress. You either build mind control wall or lift all sanctions ever imposed by United States before you are allowed any other vote in future session of congress.”
By Makan Abazari The King of Kings

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