Venezuela and Take Pompeo to Camp David


#Bank of #England #Pompeo #Treasury #Venezuela #Maduro British Refusal to give access to Venezuelan gold bars and foreign asset under directive of someone like Mike Pompeo is totally unacceptable. Britain and other actors must allow Venezuela’s Maduro access to National assets of Venezuela in their banks and holding. Also take Mike Pompeo to Camp David. State Department is close, CIA Iran Desk, CIA Venezuela Desk, and USA treasury task forces on Iran and Venezuela are closed. It is what we can agree on concerning ending government shut down in USA for 3 weeks. You need close state department and take Mike Pompeo to Camp David. You must close CIA Iran and Venezuela desks. You also need to close USA treasury Iran and Venezuela sanction task force.

America has overthrown Brazil and brought Bolsonaro after overthrowing Roussef and Lula Da Silva. America has expanded into Colombia by expanding NATO to southern Hemisphere. America now mass mind controls Venezuelans to overthrow their country by protests and other pressures such as diplomatic pressure. America has also been waging economic and financial war on Venezuela for few years. America must not take total control of South America. America’s mass mind control of protesters is not acceptable and must cease now. Threat of military action against Venezuela is not acceptable and if you forgot the Tillerson was removed because suggesting such a military action during his travel to South America. Also we strongly condemn attempts by America to start a Civil War in Venezuela and will not tolerate any attempt to initiate Civil War in Latin American country of Venezuela
As I said in #UNSC we have me-Makan-Literalism and then five copies of my rights as UN Security Permanent Council. I reject any sanction and statement against Venezuelan government. Any security council sanction, statement, and approval also need my approval. I reject and veto any statement, action, and sanction against Venezuela. I also strongly suggest Russia and China to not sanction their own friends and balance of power similar to case of North Korea and Iran. #Venezuela
Autonomous Airplanes must not have any mean of being remotely controlled. All electronics on board must be placed inside faraday cage before flight. There must not be any mean of remote control, sending of radars, radio transmissions, or cellphone signals. For security the autonomous flights must be short and there must be several emergency landing spots between target location and starting point. Software must have AI to identify malfunction and autonomously reach closest safe landing site to land vertically upon confronting issue. The Avionics must include turbulence and weather conditions. Hyper loops move in magnetic field and no data can be transmitted to them thus mind control must be pre recorded file which can be changed to give too much information to some people. Autonomous air planes if not receiving any signal have same issue. By Makan Abazari The King Of Kings

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