BREXIT is a Gate Way to reviving an Empire


Brexit 1_29_2019

Let us take small risk with BREXIT in Quest to unify an Empire once more.
Approve BREXIT.
Important Points
– Britain must establish direct rule over Canada and Australia.
– BREXIT is not only an economic outcome for Britain but rather it must be viewed as victory in Geopolitics, World Order, and as rebirth of The British Empire.
– By victory in BREXIT we will once more be leading 50 Commonwealth Nations. Why should Britain be part of European Union when Britain herself is head of 50 Commonwealth Nations? Lead the Commonwealth.
– BREXIT must get required vote to succeed. We want to avoid no deal BREXIT. There will not be a way of dodging BREXIT and it must happen.
– Remember European Union is not forever. European Union is only a membership.
– Leading of Commonwealth actively and direct rule over Canada and Australia is far more valuable which may stand the test of time.
Margaret Thatcher was a CIA project whom was mind controlled all of her life. I know she is hero of many Torries in Britain. But Margaret Thatcher destroyed Britain by her Privatization projects. She gave away Crown Wealth and National Wealth away to private owners who later sold rail roads and other British assets to foreigners. Margaret Thatcher was also involved with giving independence to many of British Colonies. Many of British Colonies were lost under Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister. Margaret Thatcher later surrendered Britain to European Union. Britain simply became province of European Union. See Britain is head of 50 commonwealth nations. One of Commonwealth Nations is India which is both more populous and larger than Europe. Now Commonwealth is 50 Nations and British Crown is Head Of Commonwealth. But Britain itself is part of European Union. Not only membership in European Union has weakened Britain but also It has taken away British independence and capability to write its own rules and to device its own strategies. Britain does not even have its own Geopolitical leaning. Britain simply aligns with America or with EU. Britain is a tool in geopolitical tool box of USA to pressure Syria, Iran, Venezuela, and other nations who are under assault by deep state of USA.
Now we go back to Margaret Thatcher legacy. She was used to give away British National and Crown assets for some money which was spent quickly. She gave Independence to many of former Colonies. Then Margaret Thatcher surrendered Britain to European Union as Province. Margaret Thatcher was mind controlled by CIA. CIA has been actively weakening every challenger on the global stage.
America has been destroying empires for decades now. They broke Persian Empire apart. Then they started with breaking apart the British Empire. America divided British Empire by cult of Independence. Giving Independence to prosperous Colonies and then turning them into failed economies and states. In order to have support for independence of the Colonies America started to put the root of all problems upon colonizers. America was causing difficulties for Nations around the globe using mind control. Then America was mind controlling people and influential to make them believe British Colonizers are the reason behind their problems. Colonization was not really bad. During colonization many Nations had advanced, prospered, and had thriving economies. Many currently failed states were industrial nations during Colonization era. But after World War 2 World was destroyed and it was very difficult circumstances globally. It gave America perfect opportunity to take away British Colonies by giving them independence. America used mind control to break away British colonies. America simply made locals to believe it is fault of Colonizers that they have bad conditions. Now Iran Colonized the Earth including USA. We built American rail ways, assembly lines, and Manhattan. My colonization was Righteous.
Now we have strong Nations such as Russia, China, USA, India, Brazil, EU, and Iran. Then we have tier 2 Super Powers being Britain, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, and Israel. If Any of these tier one actors opposing United States will lead to all of the world population being mind controlled to oppose Russia, Iran, or China. They are defeated in avenue of public opinion. It is because America has been seeding anger and mistrust against Iran, China, and Russia for decades. It is difficult for these Nations to garner global support against USA. But country like Britain is loved and respected by man. Now Colonization and cult of Independence has caused some deep rooted hate and anger against British People. The same way the constant mantra by Media, Israel, and USA against Iran has brought about global anger and hate against Iran. The only issue here is Iran has not done anything wrong. See how America causes global anger and hate against anyone with slightest chance of opposing USA. America even used Skriov Poisoning to mind control Theresa May to be figure head of a global mass mind control project against Russia. Russia was not even opposing USA. Russia was simply ending Syrian War. I guess China and India are next in the line. Now we need global support and love for Iran. We need love and support for Iran among all layers of societies and cultures globally.
America created Basque and Northern Ireland armed rebellions. It was another era when America was seeking to break up even the United Kingdom and Spain. I must remind you America created and micro managed Northern Ireland Armed rebellions.
Britain must take control of Australia and Canada and actively lead Commonwealth. Britain can become independent and this way propose opposition to wrong American policies. If you observe world events Britain never has any voice. British foreign policies are dictated from USA and Britain has less independence from USA than Germany. But an independent Britain will be capable of opposing American crimes without triggering global opposition. Because Britain has support in West, Europe, and other regions such as Australia. These English speaking regions can be influenced by Britain. We finally will have a National Actor to leash USA. I can leash USA but I am only one person. Britain will become super power once more on Geopolitical scene. Britain after BREXIT will not simply follow EU or USA in their policies rather Britain herself will lead the way and chart the path for others. The era when even smallest body movement of British officials was engineered by America must end (by mind control). By victory in BREXIT Britain shall once more stand up not only as Independent Nation but as a Super Power. Britain as the head of Commonwealth will unify the voice of fifty commonwealth Nations whose direction and leadership has been missing. Membership in 50 States of EU or Leadership of fifty Nations of Commonwealth. Leadership of 50 Commonwealth is the better choice.
BREXIT is not only an Economic Victory for Britain but it is Geopolitical Victory for Britain. An Island Of four United Countries will become an empire once more. A Super Power Of her own capable of standing as independent power. Remember economics is only numbers. Industries and factories are easily replaced. But conquests and taking over other countries are almost impossible in this age. Britain must look at the Empire which could be reclaimed once more. You must not see BREXIT as only an economic outcome.
• After BREXIT Britain must establish direct rule over Canada and Australia.
• After BREXIT Britain must establish Permanent Alliance and Cooperation with Iran.
”We did our best to guide the BREXIT to better end after we found out Makan Abazari The King of Kings is behind events leading to BREXIT. The same way we tried our best to help Sudan, Venezuela, Germany, China, EU, Russia, and others.“
Makan Abazari The King of Kings,
Makan Abazari The King of Great Britain,

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