Israel Election


Support Left Wing Israeli Candidates in upcoming Israel Election for Knesset and Prime Minister.
We cannot have right wing Israelis to remain in power in Israel. They live in their own alternative reality. In their Alternative reality they are mind controlled to see it Necessary to be aggressive and harmful to Palestinians. They see Palestinians as such a great danger that they are willing to anything against them as long as it appears to them as good for Israel security. But they live in alternative reality created by mind control. But Palestinians are not up to harming Israel. They want prosperous life and happiness. They also have dream of a Palestinian nation. But why Israel is so aggressive against Palestine? Why Israel engages Palestine once in a while in a war? It causes a massive global anger against Israel. But why Israel does so? It is always done close to Elections in Israel. It is to change public opinion in Israel and form support for Right Wing Parties. It is a form of engineering consent. We are close to Israel election and we again see the talks of Iranian Nuclear Program, Bombing of Syria by Israel, and Bombing of Gaza by Israel Defense forces in recent days. This is only to gather support for Israeli Right wing parties just before the elections. This way Israeli population will believe the Right Wing and Extremist Parties similar to Benjamin Netanyahu are protective of Israel. They mind control Israel population for this purpose. But in reality Benjamin Netanyahu is only causing great anger against Israel and Jewish people. Every bombing Israel carries out leads to increase of anger against Jewish People and Israel. It creates anger in Palestine, Muslim World, America, Europe, and other parts of the World. Jewish people become alienated and it becomes goals of many Palestinians and Muslims to destroy Israel. It is renewed anger every time Israel repeats bombing of Palestinians and other Muslims. They call it cycle of hate. Yet it has become tool of wining political struggle and elections in Israel.
But there is another underlying plot in play here. America uses Israel as the man to take responsibility for all the problems in Muslim World. America carries genocides, invades Iraq and Afghanistan, and sanctions Iran all under pretext of protecting Israel. Yet people of the world no longer blame America for its crimes.

America mind controlled ISIS and Al-Qaeda to commit their crimes and this way America hide its crimes by making it appear as civil conflicts. Israel has been also serving the same purpose for America. Israel is held responsible for killing Palestinians, wanting to ouster Assad regime, requesting bombing of Iraq, and other crimes in Muslims world. Israel is also held responsible for killing of Palestinians. If you go on Arab Street and Muslim communities you find out they all love America and find America as solutions to all their problems. But they see Israel as the cause of all the ills which has been done to them over decades and years. They are angry because of Palestine and other things. They are angry at Israel. This self-feeding cycle Anger is renewed every time Israel bombs Palestine, Syria, or makes statement against Iran. Benjamin Netanyahu is critical tool in this plot because Benjamin Netanyahu blindly opposes Iran and is always seeking to isolate Iran and Bomb Palestine. It is Benjamin Netanyahu and right wing Israeli parties. Benjamin Netanyahu is Iranian but what a shame to see another Iranian is being used against Iran. This time we need left wing political parties in Israel to take control of Knesset and take control of Position of Prime Minister of Israel. The left wing parties will be a more peaceful approach to Palestinians and this is what Israel needs for long term security. Also aggression against Gaza and other countries in the region must cease so we can mend our ties and heal the wounds of religious rifts. If Right Wing Political Parties remain in power Israel will be done with in several years. As protection for Muslim countries is falling down rapidly the guarantees to protect Israel will also vanish. So Israel must work toward forming a government which is good to Palestinians and has different world view for Jewish people. A left Political Party must win the election. This is how we ensure long term security and survival of Jewish People.
Now about Gaza and Hezbollah I must say the following. Hamas is not about bombing Israel. Hamas is Iranian territory on Mediterranean Sea close to Suez Canal but passing of time has made Iranians to forget it. Hamas must become a prosperous port and Naval base for Iran so I can protect the Suez Canal from Gaza.

Now about Hezbollah I must say it is also another Iranian controlled coastal region on Mediterranean Sea. Hezbollah has also other roles than opposing Israel. Hezbollah is to ensure America does not get a Naval base on Mediterranean Sea. This is why we sink American Navy Ships every time they even go to the board to get a port on Mediterranean Sea. Every once in a while American military strategists go to the planning of building a port on Mediterranean Sea and we sink a USA Navy across globe and they step away from coastal Regions of Mediterranean Sea.
Another reason the right wing political party is in power in Israel to promote American deep state strategies. America’s deep state old strategies of resetting Middle East and to confront and harm Iran. They use Israel as Spear Head and as decoy to shape global opinion against Iran. They do so by using Holocaust and other harms done to Israel. Then they use that excuse to isolate Iran and harm image of Iranians on international Arena. They also shape public opinion constantly against Iran. Benjamin Netanyahu is the excuse they have. The elders and secret keepers remember when America committed genocide of a billion people in Iran. But America again returns and uses victims of another genocides, Israelis, to harm other victims of genocides, Iranians. Yet America gets away as the good guy here while Muslims see Israel as guilty party and others see Iran as guilty party. Yet everyone loves USA, the Genocidal War Machine of USA, the savior of the day.
The foolish part is that the people who continuously are at work to harm image of Iran and device strategy against Iran by mind controlling Benjamin Netanyahu and Population of Israel them themselves are incapable of devising strategies. We see they follow strategy of containment of Iran. Strategy to contain Iran goes back to era when California Republic, Commonwealth of USA, Canada, Australia, Pacific, Argentine, and Mexico and several other countries were Iranian territories. Then Iran became Middle East. Later Iran became limited to Afghanistan, Iran, Northern Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen and Gaza. Then Iran became which is now right now. What about Iran do they want to contain? Yet they are continuously themselves are mind controlled to target Iranian interests and cause more harm to

Iranians. The people who use Benjamin Netanyahu by mind controlling him are themselves directed by a super computer and age old geopolitical directives.
Iran is the true protector of Muslims people and Jewish people. The elders remember the sacrifices Iran made for Jewish People and other minorities in last 200 years and earlier. But Iran is now again called guilty of crimes Iran has never committed. Now Iran herself is alone and we must also protect Iran. But in this article we are making sure Israel Left wing parties win the election. So the American deep state cannot use Israel for pushing their strategies against Iran and other Muslim nations. It is to ensure Israel is not further isolated and there is no more cycle of hate renewed again and again. Israel Left Wing Parties must win Knesset and Position of Prime Minister.
Israeli right wing will cause hate against Israel. It is very dangerous to long term security of Israel. We need to bring leftist parties to Power.
Israel left must win the election. Support Israeli leftist parties.

Makan Abazari The King of Kings

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