Military Treaty Between Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and China

NATO or North Atlantic Treaty Organization is meant to be only limited to North Atlantic Ocean. But America has expanded into South Atlantic. America was planning to expand into Colombia and I was informed before the Colombian Election. I meddled in Elections and the Opposition group who opposed membership of Colombia in NATO got enough vote to advance to second round of election. He stated that the other Candidate had cheated in Election. We decided to wait for second round of election but mind control in USA distracted me from Election by most disruptive mind controls. Their disruptive mind control had led to me missing to meddle in Colombian Election. The outcome was the Candidate who was supportive of Colombia membership in NATO won the Election. Colombia later finalized membership in NATO and NATO crossed the red line into South Atlantic Region. These mind control disturbances must cease.
Such an aggressive mind control disturbances may have been pleasing to Mind Control Groups involved in USA Geopolitics, NATO, and other such groups so they could win the Election in Colombia. But there have been drastic changes in global balance of power and world order due to simple obstructions. The mind control hijacks and disturbances have consequences. One of such consequence has led to need for formation of a New Military Treaty between Iran, China, Russia, and Venezuela. This new Military Treaty Organization will serve as counter Balance against American aggression and will ensure long term global security and Balance of power.
We included Iran, Russia, China, and Venezuela in this list. Venezuela gives access to American Continent and if we lose Venezuela then there is Honduras, Nicaragua, and Several other Nation which could join this alliance. As you see NATO has access to Turkey and Europe and thus America has a Military Ally on Middle East, on Western Border of Russia, and via Colombia next to Brazil and Venezuela. Now we also need to have a Military Ally Next to American borders. It is World Order and most important for security of the Earth to form Military Treaty between Iran, Russia, China, and Venezuela.
Iran must be part of this Military Treaty because Iran is Central Earth and is the access to Middle East and also gives access to Indian Ocean. The Arctic Ocean can be frozen and then Russia will have no access to Open Waters. As Black Sea is also controlled by Turkey and Turkey can close Istanbul and thus Russian access to Open Sea. This makes Iranian membership in this Military treaty the most important.
China must be part of this Military Treaty because America has control over Japan and South Korea. America has military presence in Far East region. It means America can block Chinese Access to Pacific Ocean. America has military bases in four corners of the earth and is most aggressive in its expansion via NATO and other means. America has expanded NATO to borders of Russia and when I tell them you cannot have a NATO ally on border of Russia they simply disobey. I tell America leave Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan and they disobey my orders.
The Most important thing is formation of a Military Treaty between Iran, Russia, China, and Venezuela.
Makan Abazari The King of Kings

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