Kashmir issue and Applied Terrorism in Geopolitics of India-Pakistan Conflict


America used terrorists in Kashmir to cause division and rift between India and Pakistan. We saw at the same timeline Pakistani terrorists also attacked Iranian border guards. It causes division between Iran and Pakistan as well. It was well engineered plot prior to visit of Saudi Arabia delegates to Pakistan for economic and political investments and engagements. It also caused decades old division and conflict between India and Pakistan to be renewed. It is very dangerous territory. The India and Pakistan has been divided due to decades old geopolitical strategy to prevent continuous civilization from Persia to India. India, Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan will most benefit from integration and unity. But these terror attacks are easy ways of causing division no matter hard we try to mend these ties. #Afghanistan #Pakistan #India #Iran #Saudi #Kashmir
Sometimes you may wonder how all these events happen in such perfect orchestration as if there is a plot by a higher intelligence. It is because America has a deep state in work for decades and one of their primary means of work is use of mind controlled terrorists. It is how they dictate and guide political and geopolitical events. This is how they maintained rift and conflict between India and Pakistan for decades. America also used the same mean to cause division between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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