Chabahar Port and CPEC

Chabahar port is one of most strategic ports in the world.
It is connected via rail roads to Iranian rail way system, South-North
corridor, and global rail way systems to central Asia and Europe and all these
are through rail roads alone. India is also building rail way to Afghanistan
from Chabahar Port. Chabahar port is located in Sistan and Baluchistan province
of Iran. India can extend the rail way from Afghanistan all the way to China.
There used to be rail way through Afghanistan to Natanz Iran and from there to
port of Bandar Abbas in Iran. But the Iran-China rail road has not been
operational for decades. But India can extend Chabahar Rail Way to Afghanistan
all the way to China as investment project and to place Afghanistan on main
transit line corridors. Now there is also CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor) which reduces Chinese reliance on South China Sea. But it also
connects China to Quadra Port in Baluchistan Province of Pakistan. Port of Gadara
is also one of the most strategic ports on the planet Earth.
We must ensure CPEC rail way from China to Pakistan is
extended to port of Chabahar in Iran for added transit capacity.
The CPEC must be connected to Iranian National Rail Way
THE CPEC Rail Way must be connected to South-North Corridor
which currently connects Russia to Iran via rail way. It means CPEC Rail Way
will be connecting China to Pakistan and then Pakistan all the way to Iran and
CPEC rail way must be coupled with economic activities along
the path of CPEC and there is already Chinese investments taking place in
Pakistan. But we also need investment in Sistan and Baluchistan Province of
Iran. Because Sistan and Baluchistan Province of Iran is already partially
developed and has access to industrial supply chain of Iran. It means there can
be many industrial projects started in Baluchistan Iran which will only use
parts and supplies already being produced in Iran. This means there are great
economic opportunities for investment in this region of Iran.
Baluchistan Province connects Iran also to the Indian Ocean.
The Indian Ocean is place the classic British Empire trade system was operating
within. If you look British colonies were eastern Africa, India, and Australia.
These are all located on the Indian Ocean. But Iran, Pakistan, and Arabia are
also on Indian Ocean. (Because head of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia and
India was Iranian territory but it is another matter.) The Indian Ocean trade
system has access to substantial amount of food production, minerals, mines,
manufacturing, and supply parts. By the way don’t forget amount of energy which
enters Indian Ocean from Persian Gulf. It makes Chabahar an excellent port for
doing trade with Indian Ocean Trade System while having access to Central Asia,
China, Africa (in future), Russian, and Europe via rail ways. Rail ways and
trains are most efficient transit. This means there can be substantial amount
of supplies and cargos going to and from Chabahar port. The connecting of CPEC
to Iran will benefit China a great deal but it will also benefit Europe as an
alternate route to Europe by passing Russia also exists through Iran to Turkey.
There is a rail way through Russia to heartland Europe. It goes through Siberia
in Russia. If CPEC is connected to Chabahar port and Iranian Rail way system
then China will have alternate route which will bypass Russia all the way to
Europe. Now CPEC is very important to food security, trade, and supply chain
transit and security of transits. South China Sea can be closed and then China
will die from hunger. South China Sea can become hotbed for Pirates targeting
Cargo Ships and then there will be catastrophic disturbances in transit of
goods across the world and global economy. South China Sea can be a location of
future war and it will also disturb the World Economy. The CPEC ensures China
has a short cut to Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean via land and ensures security
of the world Economy and food security of 1.2 billion Chinese people. Food
security of China is very important. China can also accrue food from East and
Central African Nations via CPEC corridor even if South China Sea closes.
Now why investment in Sistan and Baluchistan Iran is so
desirable? Assume you have industries in Europe using Supply Chains produced in
China. They can be transited to Chabahar Port of Iran and around the region you
can process the material or assemble parts. You can also use local intermediate
products. Then you export products from stages of global supply chain to Europe
from Chabahar Port. There is also Indian Ocean on the map. You can produce
parts in India. While accruing Mines from Afghanistan. Then you smelt the mines
in Iranian smelters. Then in Iranian Machinery and part production you produce
the parts. They come to Chabahar Port and they go to Sudan. At the same time
other parts from India, Zimbabwe, and Australia arrive in Sudan when it will
form finished Industrial Product.
Another scenario can be clothing weaved in Afghanistan and
Jewelries produced in Afghanistan are send to Chabahar Port and from there they
are transited to China and India. We assume here Iran and Afghanistan have join
operations in which they produce Jewelries directly targeting Indian and
Chinese consumers.
Another option can be Pipe Lines delivering Iranian Oil and
Gas to Petrochemical Facilities in Chabahar Port. Then near Chabahar they are
refined and delivered to industries in China, India, Sudan, Australia, and
Europe by Sea and Rail Ways.
Another option can be Pakistani Chabahar produces car parts
and industrial products. These Industrial products are coupled with Car
Batteries arriving from China. Then there are Iranian Car Tier Manufacturer
inside Iran who will send tiers to Chabahar and Chabahar assembles these to
cars. Then cars are exported to Europe, Japan, China, and Brazil.
Another Option can be Russians producing technical parts for
Power Plants and other strategic infrastructures. They are transited on rail
ways to Chabahar. From Chabahar they are sent to Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwe parts
from China, Europe, and America are also coming together. Then we build
infrastructures to build car batteries. (Zimbabwe is land locked but the access
is available) Then in Zimbabwe we process Nickel and Lithium mines to produce
advanced materials used in Electric cars and their car batteries. Then we
export these parts for Process to Chabahar Port and Pakistan were they are
processed before going to Russia and Europe for further work down the supply
chain path. Then all the parts go to China, Tesla USA, Germany, Iran, and few
also will go to Zimbabwe to be assembled as Electric Cars. We really hoping to
build assembly lines for electric cars in Zimbabwe and it will be a gift from
Chinese, Iranians, and German people to people Zimbabwe. Also add USA gives
gift of sanctions to Zimbabwe, Iran, and China and moves all of those to
Michigan. (By the way if Europe does not behave right I will replace Germany by
Zimbabwe, France by Zambia, and Britain by South Africa and I will say these
were British and French Empire.) After I permitted overthrow of Mugabe and
brought Mangagwa I promised to help Zimbabwe and China was a friend who built
infrastructure for Zimbabwe and I made sure Chinese friendly leaders are at
work in Zimbabwe. Also Elon Musk made me a poster to teach me how we make
Electric Car Batteries. Then I found out why we overthrew Zimbabwe. But it is
ok we are going to build Zimbabwe Branch of Tesla or Volkswagen. Maybe Chinese
electric cars will be produced in Zimbabwe.
Now about Baluchistan Pakistan I must say there are also
great opportunities in Pakistan. Baluchistan Pakistan can be integrated into
Iranian Industrial Supply chains. I mean so tightly integrated they produce
industrial parts for the whole globe. Then Pakistani Supply chain will be
independently also integrated with Chinese Industrial supply chains. Meaning
there is another layer of Supply Chain which is involving China and Pakistan.
Pakistan will also be integrated into global industrial supply chain due to
integration with Chinese Industrial Supply chains.
Another I must add I want to say we want to have rail way
system to India from Iran going through Pakistan. This is very important to
build a rail way system solely for transit of goods and industrial parts.
Meaning people are not traveling by trains but Industrial goods are delivered
and there is opportunity for land trade system between India and Iran like old
times. There is going to be rise of Indian Consumerism, Industrialism,
Development, and Economy. Iran must be a great part of Indian Economic Growth
because India and Iran only prosper together. Historically they have traded and
have been integrated for thousands of years. It has been only recently that
they have been so distanced. But the Economics, Industrial Supplies, Tourism,
and educated people can be integrated to a great deal between India and Iran.
For start I announce project to Start Iranian-Indian-Chinese Industrial Park,
Research, and Development Center for Material Science and their applications in
Industries and Manufacturing. This Research Center and Industrial Park will be
located in Isfahan Iran. The scientists from China, Iran, and India will come
together to build current and next advanced materials and metal grades to
conquer global markets based on knowledge. I want to make the most exclusive
Aluminum and Lithium Materials and I am going to also bring Russians and make
them as Iran-India-China-Russia exclusive Industries and technologies. America
then will have respect the patent or face penalties. Sorry USA thou cannot use
our advanced materials and we have patents to protect our rights.
America; ‘I sanction your company producing it. ‘
Makan: “But we are only one producing it. So close done
factories in USA from South West to North East. Thou cannot have our Aluminum
and other highly advanced material grades.’
America; ‘Who cares about Iran? I sanction all of your
Makan:”Then we make combined currencies between all four of
us and then we will break the neck of that dollar. Now we need to this in
control manner so the world saving in dollar will not be decimated. So we
announce combined abounding of dollar and start of mutual currency for our
trades. So the value of dollar will be slashed and global financial market will
shift. Hold on I have a friend in Yemen and he is agreeing to be housing global
Banking and Financial Heart Land. But I think I build other things there for
their location is also great and I will move the Financial Heart Land to Bandar
Abbas Iran.’
Pakistan: “You are taking everything to Iran. What about
rest of us?”
Makan:” The original Stock Market was in Bandar Abbas until
we built Manhattan New York. I was just going back to our roots.”
Makan:” I am not taking everything to Iran but rather I am
distributing global industrial supply chain across east Africa, Europe, China,
India, Middle East, Iran, and others.”
Anyway, I have also a friend from Iraq calling. Oh Yes,
about Iraq and Syria. We will also build a rail way from Chabahar to Syria and
Lebanon. Then I will also have a port on Mediterranean Sea. It is why I am on
the Mediterranean Sea. So I will have industrial and development works also in
Middle East and I will be involved in another Industrial Supply chain and trade
system called Mediterranean Sea trade system.
Our South-North Corridor must be connected to BLACK SEA so I
can also be part of Black Sea trade system. In Black Sea trade system we will
have substantial work done by Iran, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia,
and those other countries in Europe. Don’t forget poor Moldavia they have
access to the sea as much as Pennsylvania had to Atlantic Ocean. Anyway, we
will also have sea based trade system around the black sea. Then remains were
for my Iran to trade with?
Israel: “Iran is going to bomb if they stay in Syria.”
Makan:”No man, I am going to be part of Mediterranean Trade
System and I will have Rapid Transit from Iran to Lebanon and Syria. Now do you
want to be part of our Trade systems? Hold on if you be good boy we will mind
control Israel to have more start up defense companies and more high tech
startups. (making;’ I cannot mind control who is talking though me’)If you be a
good boy and don’t harm Iran I will give you some exclusive techs along with
Iran so you two have some of your own exclusivities.”
Iran: ‘I need to protect defenseless Palestinians and I
cannot abandon them for Israel.”
Makan: ’I watch out for them if that happens I will initiate
Global Rise of Knights of Justice were European Parliaments and American
Congress will be occupied by Palestinian Sympathizers. Mind Control: ‘That is
not us man for we don’t want our assets target of Israel Power and Influence.”
Israel: “I will kill your Knights of Justice and put them on
BREXITiers like I killed Jo Cox. (I did not but mind control did in my favor.)
Makan:” Then break America into four countries and make
America into Iranian, Pakistani, Saudi, and Turkish Colonies which were used to
be part of former USA. Iran told you no killing of Palestinians.’
America: ‘What the hell what did I do?”
Makan: ”I don’t know man I don’t want to hit Israel because
it gets crushed if I hit it. If I hit China then China breaks, Russia collapses
India experiences Dark Ages, and Europe Experiences fall and Rise of
Civilizations. So I hit USA because America has Capitan America’s Shield.”
Makan:” Poor Iran, Poor Israel, and poor Palestinians. If
you have problem there is that lovable and attractive America to fight with
instead. America mass mind controls the earth to create love for America among
the people. Then America mind controls that stupid Netanyahu to kill
Palestinians and causes anger against Israel. Then America politically
assassinates political oppositions who support Palestine. Then America uses
Israelis to promote anger and opposition to Iran. America simply uses Netanyahu
to point finger at Iran for crimes Iran had never committed. America delays our
Silk Road, OBOR, CPEC, and other good earth efforts under different pretexts.
At the end America is the love and destination of the goods and Afghanistan
gets never ending war. Come on man we must make electric cars in Afghanistan. I
want to build new France in Iraq and Syria and I want to build new Germany in
Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now watch America will send Taliban terrorists by
mind control and will send ISIS so instead Afghanistan and Syria the goods go
to USA. Also America has sanctioned Iran. I told you for that sanctions I will
take your Europe. That costs your Europe. Now I move it or I gain absolute
control over it. Now who is the mind control? I want to fight them too.”
By Makan Abazari The King of Kings

Iran Tourism Petrochemical Industries

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