Europe-America Trade War

#EU #Europe #Tariff #Trump #USA #Trade #War #Economy It is imperative for Europeans to put Tariffs on American Industrial Supply Chains, finished Industrial Products, and intermediate products. Europe should not limit the trade war to Cheese and Soy Bean. You have green light to retaliate on Industrial, Technical, intermediate products, and manufacturing parts.

Europe must place Tarrif on American industrial parts. Car Tiers from USA must get some 25 perceent Tariff and slow down that industry.

Robbers, Petrochemical Products, Plastics, and refined petrollum from USA must go under 10 to 25 percent tariff.

Finished Industrial part from USA must go under 10 to 50 percent tariff to enforce production of these goods in Europe. This will lift European Economy and end Economic problems in Europe. The production of Finished Industrial Products in Europe will be a massive business and it can be achieved by putting hefty tarrif on these products coming from USA. There is only Europe, Iran, China, Russia, Brazil, and couple of actors producing finished Industrial Products. America, Europe, Japan, and Russia being the biggest producers. The Japan-Europe trade agreement will also provide oppurtunity for European producers of finished industrial products to export to Japan and win over their industries. It will be achieved once tarrif on USA products forces Europeans to produce them themselves and build the industries and capacities to produce them themselves. Then they can export to Japan. Also China is great consumer of finished Industrial products. China must also place tarrif on American finished Industrial products and this way punish USA and their trade wars. It will open the way for globalism and European Export to China.

Other area which Europe can punish USA for placcing tarrif on European goods is supply chains and industrial products. America produces vast amount of intermediate products and parts. They are used in Chinese and European Indsutries. America out produces Germany in these sectors. If Europe places tarrif on such American products then Europe will be able to produce them itself and become a ginat economic super power replacing USA and its capacity.

Trade war is not arena to show we also hit back. No no no. Trade War is the Arena in which you decimate USA capabilties, productions, parts, intermediate products, currency, and capacities and try your best to produce them yourself and replace USA by others to have new relations and new trade partners.

Another industry which Europe must consider placing tarrif on is products made from Steel and Aluminum. Anything produced from Aluminum and Steel must go under 20 to 50 percent tarrif. America must lose the capability to sell Aluminum and Steel produced goods. Because America decimated global industrial supply chains and Aluminum industries to build its own Aluminum and Industrial Supply chains. Then we make sure America will not be able to export neither the aluminum itself nor the products produced from it.

Another area in which Europe has oppurtunity to punish America is the area of Dollar Trade. Europe can promote the use of Euro as currency in which Europe trades with exclsuivley with other actors. It will strengthen European banks, Financial Market, and bounds. It will strengthen Europe as a Geopolitical Force. Europe is well situtated to inheret the American share of Economy. See USA sanctioned Iran and Russia and aggressivley harmed China. But when it came to Europe America targeted the German Banks, Industrial Supply Chains, Italian Economy, British Financial Market, and German producers including car producers. It was not to the level to decimate europe. But it harmed Europe. Since Europe is standing on its feet and will enjoy limitted security from very aggressive American moves. Then Europe has capacity to take away American share of the economy without fearing much retaliation from USA. See USA needs to have Europe as a forward base against Russia and Iran. Without Europe America is a much weaker Geopolitical Force. Europe can cut off USA head and give it away on a plate and still have the USA military bases and their continuation as bargaining chip agaisnt USA and as security from aggressive USA trade measures.

Remember we all lost to USA trade war. Iran lost due to USA sanctions. Japan economy was very harshly harmed by USA actions. Many billioners lost their wealth in USA and were replaced by others. Iranian wealthy people have lost their wealth. Russians were harmed by USA tarrif. Italian, Turkish, Indians, Brzilians, and others have been squeezed by USA trade measures. China has been harmed and hurt by USA economic behavior and tarrifs. Europe has been pressured by very secret American trade measures which have reduced European Economy and causing it to enter critically dangerous point. Europe must punish USA most aggressivley to proof Europe is indeed a global actor and deffender of globalism. If europe does not gain victories by taking away American share and exclusivities of global economies then it is only weakness of their policy makers and strategists. But it will also show Europe will betray all of the earth for the sake of USA.

Another measure Europe can take is forming trade agreement with Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia for low tarrif trades and industrial supply chain.

Now how to break USA is to form a trade agreement between South America and Europe. I give you green light to form trade agreement between Europe and South America. Now USA geopolitical design will overwrite my green light on this trade agreement with south America. But Geopolitical design had stated Libya, Nigeria, and Venezuela will be Iranian close allies without any aggressive move from USA. America has crossed thee red lind on Venezuela and now Sudan. Nigeria has been stolen away. Libya has fallen. Now Europe makes trade agreement with south america as China may do as well. This way America’s control over its own sphere of power in Americas will be lost.

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