How America manipulated European Public Opinion and Killed European Experiment

America uses social engineering to influence the public opinion in Europe. For example when the migrants are immigrating to Europe America sends a terrorist to carry out a bombing in Europe. The agent identifies himself as ISIS and then there will be a great public anger in Europe against Muslims and Immigrants. This has led to creation of three Berlin Walls in Germany due to the fact the government lacks strong majority to take rapid and strong actions to tackle the problems. Rather we have malfunctioning system in Germany which took 6 month to form government. There are also far rights in other nations and in Italy we witnessed victory of populists and far right. These were events of historic proportion. The classic political systems have fallen. These classic political systems were designed by care and by very restrict value system to protect different values and hold specific lines which must be impassable. They protect valued against dangers of racism, wrong economic policies, balance of dependency on USA and self-reliance. America simply killed European project and its soul the political parties in place to protect our most important guidelines.

By Makan Abazari The King of Kings

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