Iranian Toman must be 1000 to 1 US Dollar then we will give a break to USA Stock Markets

America’s manipulating Iranian currency and reducing its value. It harms industries, intermediate sectors, and economic activity of people. Many folks reliant on import of parts from abroad now have difficulty purchasing parts because the Iranian money has become so undervalued. Countries without oil in 10 years of war, no industry, and limited production have their currencies valued 300 for 1 dollar. Iranian currency is valued at 15000 for a dollar. It is effect of currency manipulation. We usually punish this behavior by causing drop down and fluctuation in value of stocks in the USA. This way we destroy American economy and industries by making rich people suddenly lose wealth and corporation become bankrupt and this is exactly what America does to others by currency manipulation. I do it all time to USA and I do it for Iran, India, Brazil, Argentine, and many emerging economies hard hit by high value of dollar and fluctuation in value of currency. Iranian money must worth 10 times HIGHER than its current value and until then USA Stock Markets are under sanction.

Mahan Abazari The King of Kings nhide

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