Saudi and UAE uncontrolled injection of money into lobbying firms has been alarming

Saudi and UAE uncontrolled injection of money into lobbying firms has been alarming The pressure and Media campaign against Iran is due to extensive and uncontrolled spending on lobbying by Gulf Nations and Israel. Israel is using great amount of pressure and influence to orchestrate government officials, media, and publishing companies to manufacture consent and [...]

Uncounted Victims from Iraq to Afghanestan

The original Article Source, I copied and pasted here so if you need to put them for text to speech you have easier time Makan:" I agree we need an anti war movement in America which not only follows methods of anti war movement of Vietnam era but also comes out openly and shams Think [...]

Governance of the Day

Thank Indian ambassador to Syria for his good hearted intends and offers. Also thank China for offering to help with reconstruction of Syria. we want to build new cities and industrial metropolitans. Syria proximity to Silk Road and its eventual integration offers opportunities for mutual development. We don’t want to revive old Syria before war, [...]