Hanoi Nuclear Talks Between North Korea and USA

North Korea North Korea and South Korea war led to America's occupation of South Korea. It later led to need for North Korea to Nuclearize to catch up with increasing America's Military superiority. Thus any Nuclear Agreement leading to Denuclearization also requires USA to withdraw from South Korea and close down America's Military Bases in [...]

World Economic New Order

World Order Mega File Global Industrial supply chains and Systems go from Europe to China and from China to USA. They can also follow path from Canada to USA and from USA to Europe. There are many such pathways. One of the most important part of new global economic model having supply chain which include [...]

BREXIT is a Gate Way to reviving an Empire

Brexit 1_29_2019 Let us take small risk with BREXIT in Quest to unify an Empire once more. Approve BREXIT. Important Points - Britain must establish direct rule over Canada and Australia. - BREXIT is not only an economic outcome for Britain but rather it must be viewed as victory in Geopolitics, World Order, and as [...]


https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmakan.abazari%2Fposts%2F10156534769534724&width=500 #Davos comments are critical part of this Facebook account and you need to enable them now. Global Industrial supply chains and Systems go from Europe to China and from China to USA. They can also follow path from Canada to USA and from USA to Europe. There are many such pathways. One of the [...]

The Commercial Aviation of Iran Now

70 years After Iran built its first Passenger Planes the Wright Brothers recreated the Da vinchi Work and added a fan. It flew for 20 and some minutes. 70 Years after America reverse engineered its first modern Passenger Plane from Soviets China tested flight with its first Passenger Plane and it flew for 20 and some minutes. #Aviation


I am Permitting integration of the member state and acting as East and West corridor through ECO Member States and thus start a Phase of New World Order and global transformation I suggest ECO nations seek cooperation and Partnership with European Union, BRICS, India, EAEU, and Shanghai Cooperation. The European Union and China will have [...]

World Order, Environment, and Hurricane Florence

This is set of directives for changing World Order. We are open to hear your concerns and your suggestions if you have mind control to communicate it. As of now communication with me is impossible. Makan Abazari The King of Kings