Grand Architect

According Grand Architect who coordinates the events, so they fall on the right day and time, the American compulsory behaviors have has brought about the failing of their long terms plans. The story is the following. The Syrian War was planned to end about its 7 years mark. The goal was to have the war ending on the day of Syrian Peoples Conference held in Sochi. Makan Abazari even invited American representatives. But they refused to come. The previous Winter Olympics was held in Sochi. The Syrian People Peace Congress was held few days before the Pyongchang Winter Olympics. Sochi Russia was the host of previous Olympics in addition to peace conference. The Syrian People Congress was held on Sochi Russia. It was planned years earlier. Before Trump was the President. It would have ended the Syrian war right before the start of Olympics. Have you seen all those horrible scenes? Yet America had extended the War for compulsory behaviors of some ruling elite in USA.

North Korean Earth and South Korean Earth, then Separation Barrier As defender of the rest, Sphere and Hemispheres, the Planet Earth.

North Korean Earth and South Korean Earth, then Separation Barrier As defender of the rest, Sphere and Hemispheres, the Planet Earth. At the time of Korean War US and South Korea fought tooth to nail. It was not just battle for Korea but it was battle for the earth. America had nuclear bombs while North [...]