Muslim Peace Keepers Approved for Gaza, West Bank, and Jerusalem

It has been requested by 3 Middle Eastern Nations (Not Iran) to send peace keeping troops to Palestine , Both West Bank and Gaza, to protect Civilians from mind controlled Israelis which going for harm and kill in every situation. It seems Israel troops AI is set to harm and inflict suffering on Palestinians. Uncle [...]

Report on Assassination Attempt on Palestinian Authority Official in Gaza

Report on Assassination Attempt on Palestinian Authority Official in Gaza, The report that Hamas has sought to assassinate Palestinian authority official is false. Hamas had nothing to do with it. Mahmud Abbas pointing finger at Hamas is due to mind control. Mind control is seeking to cause division between Palestinian authority and Hamas in wake [...]

American Plot and Syrian Peace Talks in Russia

America started yet another civil war in Middle East. War between brothers and neighbors. How a cheaper trick of mind control has weaved, weaved and weaved. America witnessed that our Diplomatic Credit behind Russian Diplomatic process in Middle East gaining a great momentum. America wants to keep its ability to be part of the process [...]

Welcome my Son Welcome to the Machine 3

We examine multiple example of dangerous AI and automation. specially when they are programmed to kill people and terminate human lives. This is why we have not developed automated killer robots and killer drones. There is a great danger in that and it should not be produced nor experimented with. Rather we need master AI inside the files dictating Issac Asimov codes for robots. One you don’t harm human beings, two you obey orders, and three you protect yourself.

Communication on Two State Solution

Makan: I told Israel don’t build those settlements they are not good enough. We had a briefing explaining all of these settlements in west bank will be left behind for Palestinians. in case of bad settlements and buildings Israel has to pay. If need arises to destroy them for some other infrastructure after Israel leaves. [...]