5 Articles on World Religions and Mind Control

This is an article explaining why children get molested by mind controlled priests. The reason behind it is simply mind control and long term manipulation of spiritual, sexual, and mental behavior of Catholic priests by means of Psychotronic devices and waves. The Author of this work is Biologist, Nano engineer, Astrophysicist, Biophysicist and an absolute [...]

Welcome my Son Welcome to the Machine 3

We examine multiple example of dangerous AI and automation. specially when they are programmed to kill people and terminate human lives. This is why we have not developed automated killer robots and killer drones. There is a great danger in that and it should not be produced nor experimented with. Rather we need master AI inside the files dictating Issac Asimov codes for robots. One you don’t harm human beings, two you obey orders, and three you protect yourself.