Reason Behind BAN on Building new American Nuclear Reactor

This document was in perfect condition and thus sabotaged by hackers. We have a robust system of intellectual property robbery in Massachusetts Brookline spanning mind control, MOSSAD, and Hackers. They are responsible for release of this material. Material from area 51 and 57 are banned in Brookline and if whispered or murmured, or entered into [...]

Ceramic Engines

The photo of Plane is irrelevant. But it could be it. Doesn't matter use Military May or may not have it. Sorry this is all I could write in a moving car. I went to take refuge from Brookline and write for you invisible material synthesis but mind control had overwritten the project so they [...]

Welcome my Son Welcome to the Machine 3

We examine multiple example of dangerous AI and automation. specially when they are programmed to kill people and terminate human lives. This is why we have not developed automated killer robots and killer drones. There is a great danger in that and it should not be produced nor experimented with. Rather we need master AI inside the files dictating Issac Asimov codes for robots. One you don’t harm human beings, two you obey orders, and three you protect yourself.

From Macedonia to Azerbaijan and Indus River

Yes, I see desire of Greece to make the name Macedonia Exclusive to their own nation. but it appears as there are two parts of province and are located across the Boarder as part of two different countries. why are they not join together as 1 country and 1 nation? Just make a unification treaty. [...]

Iranian Economy

I need to expand Iranian economy by minimum five folds. I need lucrative and integrated industries. If there is fear of sanctions then we can have independent industries. I need to close down of all mining’s unless they are tailored into production inside Iran with wheels of Industries. Either way I need the efficient Machine, [...]

An Economic Model for Russia a gift from Iran

Redesigning of pre world war 2 Monetary systems as a post modern economic model for Russia, Iran, and Britain. But this is exclusive focuses on Russia.