Governance of the Week 7/9/2018

Russia-America Relations: China-Germany Meeting and Global Supply Chains:     Trump Visit to Britain:   Mike Pompeo Visit to Iraq:   American Ambassador to Germany:   Book of Roses: America's Provocation of China:  

Polar Shift, West to East, Shanghai Replacing New York Stock Exchange

Asian stock market and stock exchanges should stop reacting to American Stock Markets and Stock exchanges. We have entered new economic era. In this economic era things are different. American stock Market should look at Asian Market, Specially Chinese stock market and see how they are doing and then adjust the trading and value of stocks to trading in Chinese Stock Market. Thus America reacts to Asia and America looks at Chinese trading to adjust the value of stock. Chinese Market now is heart of Stock Market on the globe and America is dethroned. It is only time until people learn to fix their trading behavior to new era and its standards. Why is that? Size of Chinese economy is 4 times size of American economy. Yes GDP shows higher GDP for USA but that is just on surface. Let me explain to you what I mean. A worker in America is paid 3000 dollar for same job Chinese are paid 200 monthly. Then the production of both are either equal or much higher by the Chinese worker. So there is underlying and invisible factor to size of economy of nations. Then there is industrial capabilities, economic policies, and arms of Chinese development machine that is efficient, capable, rich, and experienced. They can develop the world without any help. They can build infrastructures America has not built for decades and they are building more every day. The Chinese workforce is experienced and is skilled and can take care of any task as they are doing it routinely. China is building OBOR, Chinese Silk Road Project. That is the largest earth project since Persian Royal roads built 2500 years ago and Iranian tunnels and Rail Road system at the time of World War 2, the main thing that helped the survival of the world from Nazi War Machine. Yes, scale of OBOR or modern Silk Road is massive. It will strengthen global economy and gives the earth capability to grow, develop, and gives every citizen better share of global growth. China is developing economies from Africa and South America and doing projects in Middle East, USA, and England. There are many example of these such as nuclear reactor for England and Harvard Science center in Boston MA. Both are being built by china and Chinese investments. (I asked someone to finance that but they failed to do that. That stupid Pence signed for that Chinese Harvard Science Center). That is not limited to Nuclear reactors in England but Chinese global developments include strategic industries, rail roads, ports, roads, factories, and even new tier of industries built by Chinese globally.’ I like that good earth China. That is better than American independence. It reminds me of the time when I colonized the Earth as Iranian King’ the Great Great Grand pa said. Chinese good earth is also better than that American independence. For what Nations received as independence states was American economic sabotages and mind controlled leaders incapable of decisions so basic. When size of Chinese economy is 4 times American economy. Yet America is incapable of building infrastructure while China is building it on the rest of earth and is capable of building 5 more layers of theirs on and around their current infrastructures. When China produces all the products and America is left with nothing. When America owes trillions of dollar and cannot even make an extra dollar whole year. Then what is left that make NYSE and Wall Street the Makkah of Stock Markets? Nothing that Wall Street and New York Stock Market have dethroned and it is only matter of time for world to Adjust itself to Chinese Stock Market a and Chinese Trades. Don’t forget America economy is appearing larger because the expense of Services and Manufacturing is much higher. So you pay 3000 dollar for construction worker which turns your GDP to much higher than Chinese while Chinese doing much more productive work for far cheaper. SO it appears as deceptive as it is in GDP. Making American economy appearing as large as or maybe bigger than Chinese Economy but that is just a deception of American economy. The reality is Chinese economy is minimum 4 times American economy and China has far larger potential for growth than American one. There is also value of dollar that is falling down. It is synthetically kept up and since BRICKS and Russia working on a new currency for trade the Dollar is going to fall lower. The only catch here is ability of America to manipulate events, synthetically, with mind control in stock markets and in governments by influencing leaders. These may conceal long term direction of things and make it appearing as opposite at times. There can also be dangers along the road and I am giving you heads up since some in mind control, hungry for wealth and power, may weaponize these information. So you need to be careful during period of instability and adjustment. Adjustment to the eastern stock markets as The New Leader of Stock Exchanges.

China One Belt One Road Project

An analytical Article by Makan Abazari on OBOR One Belt One Road Project. The benefits of this project for Underdeveloped and unprivileged nations is discussed. The Davos and World Economic Forum theme of helping vast majority of human population who did not benefit from economic growth is well considered. It even includes interests of parties that were totally out of circle to have any benefit gained. It will bring stability and prosperity to large number of people and opens opportunity for investment, business, and harmonious growth with an eye on environmental causes. A Makan Ecoindustrial Metropolitan Transcontinental Project.